Saturday, April 20, 2019


When the Barr "summary" of the Mueller Report came out, my Republican friends became ecstatic and began to do the Exoneration Tango, and took great pleasure in demonstrating their dancing skills to me.  As soon as the actual redacted Mueller Report, which even in redacted form, is an indictment with prima facie evidence of impeachable offenses, of the sitting President, Mueller went from being a Trumpian folk hero, to a lunatic and his report became "fake news".  My Republican friends toeing to the party line, turned on a dime in their assessment of Mueller and his report and even, trying to, preemptively, do control damage, began to call Liberals, sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrom, for even seriously looking at the consequences of the Mueller Report.

I, on the other hand, worry that my Republican friends are suffering from PTSD (Persistent  Trump Stupidity Dysfunction) and am concerned about how they will be able to handle reality when it comes back to the world.

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