Wednesday, July 31, 2019


While Russians bravely demonstrate, in the streets of Moscow, against the Putin regime, homegrown traitors, here in America, happily accept Putin's rubles to betray the U.S.A.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Cities on our West find that they, too, are unwilling hosts of the "Wretched Refuse" of an alien teeming shore, namely the Red States of America who send their homeless to the West Coast urban centers for care and assistance.  Unlike illegal aliens who disappear into an underground railroad where they find employment, somehow, Red State aliens, accustomed to living in states that survive on the taxes paid by the citizens of Blue states, congregate as homeless in the urban centers of California, expecting care and sustenance.

An added advantage, for the Red States, in exporting their urban problems, is that their conservative media outlets can then criticize the handling of their homelessness problems for not taking prompter care of their refugees.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Donald Trump has inserted an interesting new metric into our political system by attacking Congressman Elijah Cummings for the financial wealth of his district.  If we were to similarly judge Republican districts of Red States we would not be able to draw such a comparison with the 7th District of the state of Mississippi, we would not even find a 7th District, Mississippi having lost seats owing to population decline decades ago.  The per capita income of the 7th District of Maryland exceeds that of the per capita income of the whole state of Mississipi by more than $16,000.per annum.  

Alabama's 7th District fares better showing a median income of about $200.00 better than the 7th District of Maryland. The state of Alabama, as a whole, however, has a per capita income more than $10,000.00 per year less than that of Elijah Cummings' District.

Using Trump's new metric might well enhance the Democratic majority, in Congress, especially at the expense of the Republican caucus. 


When our most eminent expert on rat-infested real estate, namely, Donald Trump, speaks, ex oficio,  on infestations of vermin, we all must take it seriously.  Who better to talk about the subject than the owner of Mierd-A-Lago? 

Sunday, July 28, 2019


A simple computer glitch, relatively easily fixed, was sufficient reason, for Republicans, to initiate a barrage of salvos to repeal Obamacare despite its efficacy in accomplishing its primary goal of increasing health coverage for the American people.

By the same token, the Trump tax reform bill of 2017, despite not having accomplished a single one of its purported goals proceeds without a single call, from Republicans, for its repeal.

Despite promises, it has increased our debt without repairing our infrastructure or the inequality in both income and wealth in our society, yet nary a sign of opposition to the tax reform bill whereas calls for repeal of Obamacare go unabated.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


Trump and his supporters are quite pleased, this morning because the Supreme Court has cleared them to divert funds from the military to build a section of his wall on the Southern border. Let us hope that they are so well pleased when, basis this ruling, when a Democratic president wants funds diverted from the military towards humanitarian efforts, in Central America, to help provide assistance in stopping mass migrations from those countries, to begin with.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


To demonstrate why he has so much disdain for  American democracy, Putin need only to point out that if Russian counterintelligence services uncovered any Russian aiding and abetting American interference in the Russian government he or she would be summarily executed, whereas in the United States he could be made President.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


I wonder how many of my fellow Americans got a taste of vomit in their mouth on hearing Trump say he tried to stop the chant "Send her back" at his rally.  I hope the American people will give the oily worm the bird at the next election.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Ever since Vladamir Putin, as a low-level officer of the K.G.B watched his beloved Soviet Union, break apart under the pressure exerted by the Reagan Administration, it has been Putin's dream to return the favor to the American Federation known as the United States.  As Putin observed, it was a unique document, which enabled separate States with distinctly separate geographies and peoples, to, by agreeing to give up some sovereignty with certain guarantees to not only form a Union but to weather more than two centuries of rule. The glue of the Union was the Constitution and the dream of Putin was to somehow, someway destroy that Constitution and preside over the break-up of that Union as Reagan presided over the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Putin's plans are on the road to an astounding success as his man in the White House is destroying the delicate balance of different forces, that the Constitution provided which kept  the Union together, and may, indeed, be on the cusp of the dissolution of what was once the most successful federation in the history of mankind.


Donald J. Trump loudly proclaims that he does not have a racist bone in his body.  Since racism does not reside in the bones of normal human beings,  we might all be able to draw the inference that in Donald's case his cranium, where mistaken notions normally reside, is solid bone, and thus unable to entertain ideas, either erroneous or otherwise. 

That particular hypothesis would certainly be less divisive to our country than others we might harbor.    Additionally, in Donald's case, might explain some bonehead things he has done.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Say what you will about the political acumen of Donald Trump, he sure nailed down the vote of Amerinds when he brought up the idea of asking people born in the United States to go back to the country of their ancestry.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Growing up in the streets of New York, it was common enough to hear the taunt: "Go back to where you came from"   It was rare to hear the words from adults except those whose development had been retarded by say, a personality disorder.

In any event,  the words carried little weight especially when we learned that all of our ancestors, going back to the Indians, would have left the country long before we had been born, had anyone paid the words any mind.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Not 24 hours after he recused himself, William Barr must have received his orders not to recuse himself from the Jeff Epstein investigation, because his "fixer" services might again be needed for the President, thus demonstrating how high up the influence of a pedophile can reach.  The last thing Trump would want is for Epstein to have a deal which could enable him to spill his guts in exchange for leniency.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Just as Jeff Sessions came to regret his having recused himself from the investigation of Trump's involvement with the investigation into Russian intervention in the 2016 election, William Barr may come to regret his having recused himself from the investigation of  Jeff Epstein. 

Sunday, July 7, 2019


To demonstrate the effectiveness of the Trump propaganda machine, at the same time Republicans lambaste Democrats for wanting open borders and being too lenient with illegal immigrants, even I.C.E. reports that Trump is slower, at deporting illegals, than Obama.  This way Trump has it both ways, claiming that Democrats are too soft, and telling Latinos that he is kinder than Obama.

Friday, July 5, 2019


I hear that God received a twitterful of invective for having rained on Trump's 4th of July Parade.  Evangelicals are concerned with whether God will be able to retain His position in the Trump cabinet.

Thursday, July 4, 2019


So Amash has left the Republican Party.  Probably just as well.  It must be pretty lonely in the Republican Party for any man with integrity.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Lest the American public thinks that the $2.5 million, diverted from the National Park budget, is the sum total of the cost of Trump's 4th of July parade, it is just the Petty Cash.  The big-ticket items are such things as tanks and aircraft mobilizations and tank operations as well as manpower costs all of which come out of the Defense Department budget, and which, of course, will have to be repaid out of the taxes to which the Trump family and friends are reluctant to contribute to.