Thursday, October 31, 2019


Trump says that al-Baghdadi died a whimpering coward but his own military refuses to confirm that.  Meanwhile, all accounts say that al-Baghdadi died from detonating his suicide vest which to the Arab world means he died a hero and a martyr and Trump is a liar.  To the western world, when it comes to Trump, his cowardice, as well as his lying, is well known.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Those criticizing Donald Trump for playing golf during the raid that killed al Baghdadi, have it all wrong.  His playing golf was his contribution to the effort.  He was taking no chances that he would say or do something to screw up the works.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


ISIS was formed in the bowels of an American operated prison in Iraq and prospered despite its founder being incarcerated.   The organization has been eliminated many times only to resurrect itself again and again.  The death of its founder did not stop Al Qaeda which continues to this day; we don't believe the death of Baghdadi will end ISIS.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


American troops have been deployed to the oil fields of  Syria to keep them from falling into the hands of ISIS who have become a threat now that American troops have been deployed to the oil fields and since we have lost our allies in the region, we now will need more American troops to make up for our lost allies.  If it all sounds ridiculous,  you should consider the big picture in the great loss in revenue to the Trump Corp. had trump crossed Erdogan.


When President Bonespurs calls a West Point graduate who served honorably in Viet Nam and who came out of retirement only because he was asked by a fellow graduate, Secretary Pompeo to take the job, Human Scum the Republican Party is diminished by yet another honorable, competent public servant.  Soon enough, there will be none left and the death knell of the party will toll. 

Friday, October 25, 2019


With the exposure of the Ukraine plot to take the blame for Russian interference in the 2016 elections, a desperate Putin has ordered his assets in the U.S.  to try plan B, which is to revise history another way, in order to absolve Russia of culpability in the interference in U.S. elections.  Even unwitting Russian assets are flooding my email with a renewed interest in the 2016 elections and the Mueller probe.    

Apparently, Putin is conceding that it is hopeless to contest the Ukraine plot because of overwhelming evidence being amassed, but a new conspiracy theory, that the hacking of the D.N.C. computers was an Obama plot undertaken by  European allies has been set into motion.  AG Barr is traveling Europe to try to enlist aid for the project using enticements.  He has opened a criminal investigation into the beginning of the Mueller investigation without a scintilla of evidence.

I would caution my so-called Conservative friends that the 2016 elections has yet to be litigated in the courts and could still be a matter of future impeachment hearings.  The current impeachment proceedings are based on actions in 2019 and distractions notwith-standing, will not be affected by Putin's current disinformation campaign. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Imagine if Democratic Congressmen they had barged into the SCIFs where Hilary Clinton was being interrogated over the Benghazi incident, time and time again.  Repugs would still be talking about the lack of respect for the democratic process and the lack of concern for the security of the nation by bringing cell phones into a SCIF.  But Repugs say that because it was rules promulgated by Republicans, in the first place, that they violated, they were meant to apply to Democrats and were only optional for them.

Of course, when the impeachment process moves into its next phase when witnesses begin to testify in public, do not be surprised if Repugs do everything in their power to stop open hearings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


I"m sure that my so-called conservative friends will be able to explain to me how it is possible for Republicans, in the House of Representatives, can close down a committee hearing, behind closed doors, as an "abuse of power" while G.O.P. spokespeople claim that Trump cannot be impeached because "abuse of Power is not a crime", all in the same day 


New post on The Octogenarians

Tinker, Taylor,Sondoland,Spy

by daedal2207
The wheels may finally be off on the Jokers cart..The Trumpian lie machine has come up against a warrior and a patriot in Bill Taylor who is hard to discredit..In Vernon Sondoland we have a man who bought an ambassadorship and lied about the quid pro quo blackmailing of the Ukrainian President.John Le Carre would have at least made it suspenseful. Now we can watch craven Republican senators rally behind Lindsey Graham to come up with a plan to salvage a corrupt Presidency.


Donald Trump is visibly incensed over the notion that he was involved in a "quid pro quo".  He points to his efforts to build a wall to keep out Latins as proof of his views on the matter.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Pelosi has, appropriately, resisted the urge to rush into impeachment hearings at an inopportune time, and it looks like, again, she will resist throwing every impeachable thing she's got on Trump, into a single impeachment.  Facing an 80% chance that a Republican-controlled Senate will not remove Trump, and the possibility that, no matter how remote it may seem, Trump will gain a second term, we'll still have more for future impeachment events with a more amenable Senate.  Just because we have a President who is unprepared for future consequences, doesn't mean that Democrats can afford to not bother with possibilities down the road.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Once upon a time, an overworked Secretary of State, anxious to spend a little time at her home on the weekends, arranged for her office to send her unclassified mail to her home where she could work on it in her free time.  Her office arranged this but members of a group called the Grubby Ogres Party told ugly rumors about the content of those emails ending the Secretary's political career despite failing to find any evidence of wrongdoing.  The vindictive Ogres, upon taking power authorized the StateDepartment, now under their control, to launch yet another investigation, this one with the specific goal of finding wrong-doing.  After three years of intensive investigation the State Department came up with bubkes, much to the dismay of Grubby Ogres all over.   It is our understanding that the G.O.P., undaunted by another failure, have promised an eternal investigation into the matter.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


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New post on The Octogenarians

Angels with Dirty Faces…So Let em Burn

by daedal2207
Having withdrawn American forces from northern Syria bragging about bringing them home (while doubling the number sent to Saudi Arabia)Mom aka POTUS declares that the Kurds are no angels and blames them for non participation in our  other wars.While some of the burning that we see is from a Vietnam era training mission film, the murder and pillage by extremist Muslim mercenaries,the destruction of villages by Turkish jets,,the evidence of the use of banned cluster bombs and napalm are real Russian tanks ,half tracks and helicopters now have the separation of forces role to ensure that the Turkish takeover occurs seamlessly.The Turkiksh President is well on his way toward replacing the occupants of  the Kurdish homeland with transported Arabs.a la the middle ages.This is an acknowledged part of genocide but the U.S President calls him a hell of a leader and a real tough guy. The beaten and shot through the head Kurdish assemblywoman would not agree.
Meanwhile domestically the Ukraine scandal involving the withholding of appropriated funds for political support is exploding with Guiiani and friends either under arrest, indicted or refusing to comply with subpoenas.Those who cannot see that Trumpism is a threat to our Democracy and the world are truly blind.
daedal2207 | 19 Oct 2019 at 4:12 pm | Categorie

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Pence's speech from Turkey earlier today evoked a feeling of deja vu which on search of my memory took me back to 1938 when Hitler was gifted Sudentland in Czechslovakia which only whetted his appetite for  Poland.  We  have not seen the likes of a statesman such as Donald Trump since Neville Chamberlain stepped off a plane, from Munich, in 1938, announcing "Peace in our time".


I just heard a speech by V.P. Pence, in Ankara, announce that Turkey, who invaded Syria to establish a 20-mile wide buffer zone, will agree to a cease-fire of 120 hours to allow for the U.S. to get Kurdish forces to evacuate to allow Turkish forces to peacefully occupy the lands they want. I'm not at all sure how much influence the U.S.has on the Kurds now that they have been betrayed, but lots of luck in your endeavor, Mr. Trump.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


When Trump says "Kurds are no angels" is he saying that the Kurds who died alongside our troops, fighting ISIS, have gone to hell?


Republicans, in an effort to deflect from Trump's abandonment of the Kurds, point to the decision to abandon Iraq, that Obama had made.  This ignores completely that before Obama ever took office, George W. Bush signed a Status of Forces Agreement providing for our departure from Iraq on a date certain.  To remain longer, the Iraqi government, established during the Bush regime, wanted our troops to be subject to Iraqi law.  Rather than allow this, Obama withdrew our troops "over the horizon".  When our troops came back, it was at the request of a different Iraqi government who agreed to a new status of forces with troops subject to our code of military justice and not Iraq's. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Trump supporters are seething with rage at the perfidy of the Kurds, who despite all we have done to them, appear to have made a deal with Putin.  Trump is so hurt, he vows "No more Mr. nice guy" in his dealings from now on.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Of course, President Bonespurs is going to order American troops to pull back in view of the Turk's expanding operations in northern Syria.  He is concerned about collateral damage to Trump holdings in Turkey.


D.J. Trump, in one of his many attempts to justify his Kurd policy, stated that he was bringing our troops home.  Problem is that by taking 1000 troops out of northern Syria he now has to send 3000 to Saudi Arabia to protect his clients, from an anticipated resurgence of ISIS. there.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Hey, all you people with TDS, it's not Donald J. Trump's fault that the  Kurds don't have the funds to pay dues to Trump Corp, as does Turkey  After all, how many delegations have the Kurds lodged at a Trump hotel  How many Trump Towers do the Kurds have?  Only unreasonable and irrational Liberals suffering from Trump Delusion Syndrome could possibly think that there was something that was not "perfect" in Trump's decision to pull troops out of Northern Syria.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Now that Trump has enabled Erdogan to attack former allies by withdrawing our troops, a simple statement to the effect that he doesn't endorse the genocidal attack should be adequate to placate any critics of his policy.  To satisfy any further disquiet, a special medal for Kurd bravery in defense of  Turkish profits for the Trump Corp. will be struck to honor fallen Kurds.


Has anyone noticed that Trump who wants to ban entry of Moslems into the U.S. has suddenly sanctioned China for ill-treating Moslems in China?  Forgive me if I disbelieve a sudden surge of empathy on the part of Donald.  I prefer to believe that these particular sanctions were placed to coerce  China into finding dirt, as he asked them, on his political rivals.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


If Israel is unable to provide sufficient arms for the Kurds whom Trump has abandoned, I expect Iran, who is an enemy of ISIS, will step in an provide assistance,  much to Israel's chagrin.
  In any event, I believe that Erdogan, ingoing after the Kurds, may come to regret getting involved in this mess.  But as collateral damage so will Israel, as well as many of its people who have long, centuries-old relationships with the Kurds.


A disease, first described in a troll factory in St. Petersberg, Russia that produces bumper stickers for the G.O.P., called Trump Derangement Syndrome, has become infectious and has now even infected prominent Republican politicians, who previously were thought to be impervious to the disease.

T.D.S. is now pandemic, being found in all nations without regard to political boundaries. 

Monday, October 7, 2019


Under international law, a country that is being invaded by a foreign adversary can declare one of its cities "open" which means it will not be defended and therefore available for occupation, thus sparing the city from the devastation of warfare.  In a similar fashion, Trump by inviting China to meddle, alongside the Russians, in our elections, Trump has declared the U.S. to be an open nation when it comes to cyber-warfare.   Now Trump's enablers, understanding the ramifications of what Trump has said, are quick to advise us all that Donald is just joking and baiting the press.  However, there is no news about whether other nations, who may lack a sense of humor, have received an official notification that it's just a joke.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


It's not just that Donald was looking for dirt on his political rivals but that he wanted Ukraine to manufacture the evidence to back up the claim.  Additionally, he was looking for them to be the fall guy, to take the rap, in gangland parlance, for the Russian hacking of the 2016 elections.  Trump is not just guilty of a political transgression, he is involved in a full-blown conspiracy to obstruct justice

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


As I listen to the latest news concerning Trump's activities in Ukraine, I cannot help but wonder why Trump is so desperate to pull Putin's chestnuts out of the fire, that he would risk his presidency so foolishly.  What is this urgency for a resolution to Putin's problems by having Ukraine take the blame for the attack on the U.S. 2016 elections and to end all resistance to Moscow's invasion of Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, and why has Trump been forced to take this task on?  What kind of pressure is Putin able to put on Trump to take these extraordinary risks?  


I hear TV pundits wonder about how mildly Trump, full of vituperation for his enemies, treats Nancy Pelosi,  Now to the slightly warped mind of the Pitcher in the Wry, this should be expected from the cunning Trump.  After all, he thinks that if he is impeached so to will Pence.  Who then could be the President who could pardon Trump for his transgressions?  To Trump, Nancy could be his final fall back if all else fails.  He is reluctant to insult Madame President.