Saturday, September 28, 2019


I believe that it is self-evident the Republicans are much better at being the minority party than the Democrats. As an example, just how long would, say, Barack Obama have stayed  in office had he told some visiting Russian officials that it was O.K. for Russia to meddle in our elections because after all, we meddled in theirs?

Friday, September 27, 2019


Yesterday I posted an article titled "The Plot Thickens" which met with disbelief among some correspondents, nevertheless, that same day, "Forever Trumpers" were parroting the new Gospel according to St. Vladamir on TV.  It goes something like this: In July Trump called the newly elected president of the Ukraine not to collude with him but to get his assurances that Ukraine would not interfere in they did in the 2016 elections and shift the blame onto the Russians.  It's no longer a possibility, it's already a G.O.P. bumper sticker.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Last night, a very erudite T.V. commentator clarified some cryptic language Trump used in his call to the newly elected President of Ukraine and also cleared up a nagging question of my own, as to how Trump was able to get Putin's permission to offer arms, to Ukraine, for use against Russian tanks. as a part of Trump's offer which Zelensky would not be permitted to refuse.  Ukraine was supposed to take the blame for being the real culprit behind the Russian attack on our elections clearing Putin of charges of a cyber attack and getting some sanctions lifted.  Perhaps, too, Trump might be hoping, with the pressure off, Putin would be more willing to interfere in the 2020 elections.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


The rationale to justify Trump's actions with the newly elected president of the Ukraine is an example of the warped reasoning  exhibited by Trump and his followers.  Joe Biden is said to have used his influence to hold back $1 billion in funds to Ukraine, to get a corrupt Ukranian prosecutor fired.  Somehow, this is made to appear as the worst scandal in the U.S. since Teapot Dome.

At the time, Biden openly informed the public of his intention to use his influence to block a loan guarantee, in the amount of $1 billion, unless the prosecutor was fired.  It was public knowledge and no U.S. funds were involved although our credit would be involved if there was a default.

Now, the entire affair was public knowledge both in the U.S.and the Ukraine in 2017 when Trump took office. In the U.S., investigations are done by the F.B.I or the Department of Justice, both of which have been under control of  Republican appointees including those appointed by Trump, himself, for most of the time since.  Neither have even found enough evidence of criminal wrong-doing to initiate an investigation.  An investigation by Ukranian authories also found no evidence of wrongdoing. 

So what is Trump's beef with the new President of Ukraine?  He thinks that Ukraine owes him the favor of coming up with something, anything that will help him in the 2020 elections.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Sometime early in the Trump Administration, I made an observation, erroneously considered a prediction by some of my correspondents, that Trump might not finish out his first term because of his many legal problems.  At this point in time, my observation has been reinforced not by Trump's impeachment  so much as the prospects of impeachment and possibility of contempt charges for not providing documents requested by Congress in other matters, which could possibly make matters worse, for Donald than a phone call to Ukraine.  For example, Barr may decide to turn over D.O..J. documents dealing with the Mueller investigation, or Mnuchin may give up those tax return as the law requires, and things could get even worse for the Donald than they 
are now.  I think the possibility that Trump might start angling for a deal in exchange for his resignation still remains strong.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


If you or I were under suspicion of having committed a felony but claimed that we had a document exculpating us from the crime, but refused to allow that document to be seen, it would be only considered more evidence of guilt.  However, the words of a monarch, as to his innocence, are supposed to bear more weight than his deeds.  If Donald Trump says he is innocent of having committed a crime but won't allow the document, which could prove it, to be seen, his royal voice should be enough for his subjects. Yes, it's good to be the King!

Saturday, September 21, 2019


One thing we can feel pretty certain about is that Trump and his cohorts do not have anything on Joe Biden or his son or they wouldn't still be looking.  Trumper's say, "we know there is evidence but it just hasn't been manufactured yet.  That's why we're offering a potential producer hundreds of millions of dollars for it."

Friday, September 20, 2019


What a sleazebag of a human being we have for a president!  He tries to extort the president of another country to find dirt not on his opponent but on a son of his opponent.  I have stepped on cockroaches with more stature than this man.


After telling a television interviewer that "of course I asked the Ukranian president to investigate Biden to help Trump", and possibly regretting the revelation which might be incriminating Rudy Giuliani launched into a diatribe against the interviewer for the failure of investigators to look into the alleged transgressions of others which, accordingly, exonerated his transgression.  

Had I known that all of my personal transgressions which have so troubled me later in life, were all absolved, say, by the failure of the Reichstag to investigate Hitler, I might have been spared all that angst.  I admit, however, having difficulty wrapping my head around the concept that someone else's sin exonerates your own.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


I believe there is a way we can shake out the lethargy that the U.S. Senate exhibits when it comes to its prerogatives under the Separation of Powers concept of our Constitution.  All that is needed is for the American people to elect a black Democratic President and watch how quickly the Republicans begin to once again defend their turf.


When I listen to Trump excoriate Bolton for the terrible job he did as National Security Adviser, I wonder if he was appointed by Obama, but my fact-checker assures me that he was appointed by Trump who claims to hire only the best people.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


We seem to have gone from a Republican president who was always boasting "Bring it on", to the next Republican president who promised  "Fire the likes of which has never been seen before".   Of course, both George W. Bush and  Donald Trump would have been better served with less belligerence and more circumspection.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


It's so difficult to understand this zany world.  Saudi Arabia gets involved in a Civil War in Yemen.  Their arch-rival in the Moslem world, Iran, becomes involved in the same civil war in which U.S. military now are serving tours of duty in order to assist an ally with whom we have no treaty obligation.  

Since the U.S. not only is self-sufficient in petroleum supplies, and, indeed, exports petroleum products to the rest of the world, in competition with Saudi Arabia, the recent alleged drone bombing attack on a Saudi refinery, in a narrow sense, actually benefits U.S. oil companies who peg their prices to the world price of petroleum which is rising.  Even as our own consumer prices are rising, oil company windfall profits will be rising in tandem.

China is probably the largest consumer of Saudi oil and although they may become the biggest beneficiary of our further intervention in this civil war, I doubt you will find their military involved, although we may have to borrow the money to fight it, from the Chinese.

Crazy world, indeed.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Now that the Trump family has found out that being President of the United States can be so lucrative, is it any wonder that members of the family are pursuing the possibility of political careers?

Thursday, September 12, 2019


The question as to the abrupt firing of John Bolton lingers on.  Trump could have asked Bolton to resign by a certain date and an orderly succession could have taken place.  Instead, there was almost an overnight urgency in getting rid of him.  Did Bolton get his marching orders from Putin himself?  Is there something afoot where Bolton's presence could be embarrassing? Maybe Putin wants to annex another former Soviet Union country and doesn't want a fierce critic in the White House.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Donald Trump could not have picked a nicer guy on whom to dump the blame for his foreign policy fiascos than John Bolton.  However, if the thinks that he will be able to wipe the slate clean, he will probably be disappointed, but there is always someone there who he can blame for the decision to fire Bolton.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


For many months now, I have approved of  Nancy Pelosi's reluctance to initiate impeachment proceedings prematurely.  As an old pro, Nancy was not going to waste a good impeachment on the month of August.  I do expect, though, that in September, when Congress comes back, that is going to change.  I expect the subpoenas are going to be flying thick and fast from hereon.


If even weather forecasting becomes politicized, and Presidential ukase takes precedence over mathematical algorithms will forecasting become "fake news" which will no longer serve as an early warning for our citizens?  

Friday, September 6, 2019


Although Trump feels that using military funds as fulfilling his promise to have Mexico pay for the construction of a wall on the Mexican border. let us not forget that all military funds are taxpayer funds, and shortfalls in the military budget will have to be made up by the taxpayer, not Mexico.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


This morning, AXIOS, voiced concern that if the U.S. did not give aid to the Bahamas, China would and thus would extend their zone of influence close to our shores.  I believe, therefore, that it is imperative that we borrow the money from China, to be able to assist the Bahamas.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


No less than the Pope, Donald J. Trump claims infallibility ex cathedra, and offers a map altered by a marking pen as proof thereof.


Republicans who have become concerned that they have become enured to any outrage have been assured, by the Party, that the return of a Democrat to the White House will regenerate the ability to once again feel outrage at actions of their government. Indeed, they have received assurances that should another Black Democrat be elected, their ability to feel super-human outrage will likewise return.