Thursday, August 30, 2018


New post on The Octogenarians

Binary Thinking and Teleological Projections from MOM threaten our Country!

by daedal2207
The denuclearization agreement  with North Korea turns out to be nonsense, the agreement with Russia is first undisclosed and then denied,and in the interludes between disclosures of intemperate and base sexual behavior,we are treated to MOM's tariff and treaty expertise.We are told that his impeachment will cause national economic disaster and bring violence to the streets.In fact a Democratic party surge in the midterm elections will also bring codified violence to the streets.MS 13 will rain havoc in our towns and cities.The DSM 3 terminology "little room to manuever except into psychosis" ominously comes to mind.The wretched treatment of John Mcain's death was an indicator of the smallness of our POTUS.
MOM cannot engage in complex thought; . his thinking is" go or no go".His deal making involves only two parties,winner and loser.He cannot understand that destroying our participation  in international agreements  forces us to compete with economic blocs (Trans Pacific Association,European Union,NAFTA) and that tariffs and export taxes will inevitably bring the booming economy to a screeching halt.  Binary thinking is an essential component of teleologic thinking,.( we have arms so that fingers can get closer to what they must grasp,)teleologic thinking is most of the way to a magical belief in omnipotence of thought and action."Little room to manuever except into psychosis". in the meantime advisors are having no impact,petulance and  Horney's "urge to vindictive triumph" rule the day.Thanks Eli,Susanna, Herb et al, for raising the issue of teleologic thinking!
As long as we continue to focus on goods and toys and one  upping our neighbors we can not pay sufficient attention to our increasing division and the rising violence among us.
For a less intense view of consumerism click on the medallion,go to Claudewell Thomas m.d expert,click on recent posts and select the newest post.
daedal2207 | 29 Aug 2018 at 1:39 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Friday, August 24, 2018


It is going on three years (or seems like it), that Donald is constantly kvetching about how Sessions has done him wrong by recusing himself from the Russian investigation and how he should be fired.

Since the dismissal of Sessions falls within his powers. we are left to wonder why Trump just doesn't fire the man and be done with him instead of his continuous kvetching about it.  My guess is that Trump needs Sessions around to blame for Trump's monumental Fuck Up for having fired Comey in the first place thereby bringing on Special Counsel Mueller.  Donald simply can't bear to accept blame for any of his actions.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


To demonstrate White Republican privilege, one need only run a thought experiment to compare reactions of Trump supporters  to his having asked the Russians to hack and publish Clinton's emails, to what their reactions to what would have been their reaction to  Obama having asked the Chinese to hack Trump's tax returns for publication prior to the election.  What would the Trump supporters be saying if China had, indeed, obtained them and published them and Hillary had been elected without a majority of the voters voting for her?     

Saturday, August 18, 2018


The morning papers talk about the possibility of privatizing the war in Afghanistan.  I think it may have at least one advantage in that  the proponents of war there, can no longer claim that failure to provide additional funds means "failure to support our troops".  We can always provide sufficient funds for the contractor to fly his troops out and then wash our hands of a war that nobody other than the Contractor wants.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Nobody can deny that Trump supporters are a special breed.  They are the only people I know who believe a man, whose own lawyers consider, is too untrustworthy to testify under oath.


Trump may be our least understood Presidents in all of our history.  Anyone with an understanding of what it takes to drain a swamp knows that not only do you need a location to place the animal life but a spoils bank to handle the muck.  What Donald was trying to tell us is that he would use Washington, D.C. for both.  He assembled one of the most complete collections of swamp creatures, from all over the U.S., to live and work there, providing them with much muck for their habitat.

His critics only look at Washington, where the swamp is more populous than ever, and neglect to give Trump credit for making Main Street that much cleaner.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Nixon said<" if the President does it that means it's not illegal."  Trump adds, "If the President's son does it, it's not illegal either">

Saturday, August 4, 2018


From the Republicans point of view, any attempt to beef up defenses against Russian meddling into our election would be unfair interference in our electoral process, and they'll have none of those shenanigans on their watch.