Friday, March 30, 2018


Conservatives are incensed by the lack of patriotism, shown by the Parkland victims, in arranging for a boycott, of advertisers, of Laura Ingraham<  They say that this is a direct assault on her First Amendment rights.

It is their suggestion that they look at Conservative responses to, say, Colin Kaepernick, or the Dixie Chicks, for guidance in how to act in a patriotic manner. 

Friday, March 23, 2018


In light of lack of action, by a Republican-run U.S. Government, in the matter of Russian interference in our elections, and considering the new precedent that has been set, can Democrats not appeal to Germany and the U.K. to find Trump's tax returns, as Trump asked Russia to find Hillary's email?

The quid pro quo that Democrats can offer is a return to a pre-Trump relationship with our European allies.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Both Facebook and the N.R.A. sell products which are sold to be used, by a segment of the public, that when used for the purposes that they were designed for, are benign, although, in the case of guns, sold by the N.R.A. there is much controversy over the use for which guns were designed.  In any event, it is the nefarious use of the product which can cause harm.  In the case of Facebook, it is the ease of social discourse which is being provided and the harm can come is when evil people study information that can be gleaned from said discourse;  in the case of the N.R.A., the harm that their product causes can include the death of little school children.

It is interesting to note, the reaction of our lawmakers to the problems arising out of misuse of the respective products.  Facebook will be called in front of Congress for a severe dressing down, and face possible penalties.  For the N.R.A., however, Congress will circle the wagons and defend them from any real harm.

Forgive me for wondering whether the severe grilling that Facebook will receive, from Congress, as opposed to the N.R.A. has more to do with campaign contributions than societal harm.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


To all those critics of Trump having congratulated Putin on his election win, Trump defiantly says  "Not only have I congratulated Putin on his win in Russia, I expect to call him in November to congratulate him after the Congressional elections".

Saturday, March 17, 2018


When the German Nazis conquered Norway in the early days of World Warr II, they found a Norwegian, named Vidkun Quisling, willing to head a puppet government for their occupation forces. The man's surname became used to denote any collaborator with the hated Nazis.

The  Norwegians so reviled the very name, Quisling, that it has lived in infamy to this day.  Family members changed their names as a result, and it is believed that no one in Norway bears that surname to this date.

It is my belief that there will be a similar phenomenon, with the surname Trump, in the United States, for a similar reason. 

Friday, March 16, 2018


Putin has warned Trump about placing more sanctions on Russia.  He has threatened to place the "Ultimate Sanction", in the way of retaliation.  He will ban the Trump Corp. from ever building a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


It must come with a sense of relief that Putin has finally allowed Trump to officially acknowledge  Russian meddling, in the 2016 elections, by imposing sanctions on certain pre-approved targets.

I wonder how long it will take to filter down to the ranks of Trump supporters that they no longer are required to suspend disbelief when it comes to Russian meddling in those elections.  I'm sure that will come as a big relief to some of my Conservative friends; it's not easy to keep denying reality.


Unable to bear the loss of Pennsylvania District 18 House seat, both Trump and Paul Ryan are claiming Conor Lamb as a fellow Conservative,  Since Lamb ran as a candidate in favor of Obamacare, against the Trump tax bill, in favor of stricter background checks for gun purchases, and in favor of a woman's choice even if he is personally opposed to abortion, perhaps Conservatives are now adopting Liberal positions in preparation for the coming mid-term elections.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


The G.O.P. is in panic mode after the Pennsylvania Special Election, and is desperately calling for Trump to assist, once again, by appealing to Putin for assistance, as he did, during his campaign, for assistance in hacking Hillary Clinton's  email account. 

If Putin cannot change the results of the election to favor the Republican candidate, then to at least provide more cash to the N.R.A. for  more contributions towards the mid-term elections in November. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


When Putin has succeeded in his plot to neutralize the U.S., it will set off a fierce competition between China and the former U.S.S.R. for the remains.  Although Russian money appears to be purchasing  most of the American government , at this point, China has more money and will become competitive.

I feel that the U.S., east of the Mississippi will go to Russia while China will assume doninance in the area west of the Mississippi.  Alaska will be a toss-up and probable fiction point between China and Russia,  Hawaii will definitely become a part of mainland China.

Language studies should take into account these projections.

Sunday, March 11, 2018


The gun manufacturers of America are appalled at the apparent lack of empathy, evinced by a large section of the public, for their plight.  Just because of the clumsiness of their children in failing to get out of the way of bullets, parents are clamoring for the banning of certain types of weapons, disregarding the effect this would have on the livelihood and life style of  the manufacturers.

The foregoing in addition to this being unpatriotic and contrary to the American way of  life, or death, for that matter. 

Friday, March 9, 2018


Because North Korea  violated their nuclear agreements with the U.S., made during the Clinton Administration, after W. Bush invaded Iraq, which did not have them, the  next President, Obama continued the Bush policy of not talking  with the North Korean regime without preconditions.

Obama insisted on regional talks. as well, because our Asian allies, like Japan and the Philipines,  do not take kindly to having its future decided by U.S. without their having a say in the matter.

Be that as it may, Trump has little choice, himself, since Putin, who is North Korea's strongest ally in Asia, sees benefits for the former Soviet Union, in unilateral talks between the U.S. and North Korea, in that, in addition to driving a wedge between the U.S. and its Asian allies, also, if successful, take way the burden of having to feed millions of starving North Koreans.  The North Korean Government knows that Putin is the source of their great luck in getting the U.S. to agree to their terms. 


Just as a little dog, that chases a car, suddenly is faced with the question: "Now What?" when the car stops, so must the head of a country, that has invested all the resources of his nation on an outdated  military technology, on achieving the goal wonder what he has done.  

North Korea has atomic weapons but lives, daily, in the shadow of famine.  The costs of maintaining a nuclear aresenal will probably eat up any revenues from selling technology.  "Now what?", indeed, for the country.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Catholic missionaries, to newly conquered lands in the "New World", were appalled and horified by a culture which would willingly sacrifice their young to appease false gods.

I wonder what they might say had they arrived, instead, to a 21st Century culture which posits that a "God-Given Right" namely, gun ownership, allows for the sacrifice of their children, as well.  

Saturday, March 3, 2018


For me, the only reason Putin would advertise a "secret weapon" that he could potentially use on an enemy is because his agent in the White House has tipped him off about a secret U.S. weapon being, developed by the Pentagon.  That agent in the W.H. does not have to worry about security clearances and does not have to worry about penalties for revealing classified information which he has already done several times before while in office.