Friday, March 9, 2018


Because North Korea  violated their nuclear agreements with the U.S., made during the Clinton Administration, after W. Bush invaded Iraq, which did not have them, the  next President, Obama continued the Bush policy of not talking  with the North Korean regime without preconditions.

Obama insisted on regional talks. as well, because our Asian allies, like Japan and the Philipines,  do not take kindly to having its future decided by U.S. without their having a say in the matter.

Be that as it may, Trump has little choice, himself, since Putin, who is North Korea's strongest ally in Asia, sees benefits for the former Soviet Union, in unilateral talks between the U.S. and North Korea, in that, in addition to driving a wedge between the U.S. and its Asian allies, also, if successful, take way the burden of having to feed millions of starving North Koreans.  The North Korean Government knows that Putin is the source of their great luck in getting the U.S. to agree to their terms. 

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