Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Ever since Vladamir Putin, as a low-level officer of the K.G.B watched his beloved Soviet Union, break apart under the pressure exerted by the Reagan Administration, it has been Putin's dream to return the favor to the American Federation known as the United States.  As Putin observed, it was a unique document, which enabled separate States with distinctly separate geographies and peoples, to, by agreeing to give up some sovereignty with certain guarantees to not only form a Union but to weather more than two centuries of rule. The glue of the Union was the Constitution and the dream of Putin was to somehow, someway destroy that Constitution and preside over the break-up of that Union as Reagan presided over the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Putin's plans are on the road to an astounding success as his man in the White House is destroying the delicate balance of different forces, that the Constitution provided which kept  the Union together, and may, indeed, be on the cusp of the dissolution of what was once the most successful federation in the history of mankind.

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