Monday, April 22, 2019


IN 1964, I left the Democratic Party because Lyndon Johnso was getting us into the Viet Nam War because of stupidity.  I became an Independent voter, to this day, even though in recent times I have voted with the Democrats because of the greater stupidity of the Republicans.

Now I find myself becoming more enraged at the stupidity of a part of the Democrats, who, as in 1964, want to take rash action because of what they are told is a principle.  If they think that their best case scenario for impeachment, conviction of Trump in the Senate  is not the best case scenario for the Republicans as well, they should  seriously consider a cranial examination.  Republicans can get off the impending trainwreck by just removing the best target the Dems have by just voting for impeachment and removing Trump from the next election and present an agenda to bring  the country back on track.  Giving the Republicans a chance to knock of the  best candidate that the Dems have, namely Donald Trump, might be considered a "high folly", indeed.

When one thinks of all those othetr shoes ripe for dropping that the Mueller report hints at, possibly enough new ones to fill the days to the next election, and considering that there is little discernable difference between a Congressional hearing and an impeachment hearing, it would be almost sinful to rush into impeachment.

1 comment:

  1. Fully concur.
