Monday, April 22, 2019


As a 10 year old, politically aware child, the Japanese attack on Pearfl Harbor, was a seminal eent that I have studied and fre-studied throughout my life.  i rach my brain to find a single Republican that would have denied  the Japanize  involvement in the attack, as did Mr. Trump about the Russians,  No. Mr. Trump, it was not a 600 pound  Hawaiin Sumo wrestler who could have done it, or minimized it like Rudy Giuliana.  No Mr. Giuliani it would not have been O.K. for American citizens to have received information from the Japanese aabout an attack on American sovereignty anywhere in the world including on our own territory.

The only person to vote against the war with the Empire of Japan was a Republican but she did it out of principle and nor fear like her Republican counterparts today. Even Japanese Americans, who fought so gallantly on our side, during the war, even when they were mistreated by their co-citizens, never tried to find excuses for Japan as do Trump and Giulianii for their Russian patrons.

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