Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Although a jury has yet to be asked to decide whether the Trump campaign actually conspired, or colluded, with respect to the hacking of the 2016 elections by the Russians, we do have prima facie evidence, in the form of emails, that the campaign, in the person of Donald Trump, Jr. tried  to collude with them.

 Donald Trump, Sr., by virtue of defending the actions of his son, has approved of his son having solicited the Russians to assist them in winning the elections.  The foregoing notwithstanding, the Trumps have decided to become the arbiters of what is and what is not patriotic behavior when it comes to NFL athletes.  So it seems, asking Russians to interfere in our election is A-O.K., but a Constitutionally protected activity, per Supreme Court rulings, is not.

The Trumps are tainted arbiters, indeed!

1 comment:

  1. That seems to be a recurring theme in our GOP leadership (if one can call it that). Their perspective is definitely biased ... along with their legislation and Trump's executive orders. Wasn't Trump opposed to Obama's use of executive orders? Ahhh ... there's that bias again.
