Thursday, August 10, 2017


As a former, long time resident of Latin America, I have known my share of military coups-de-etat some of which have resulted in military juntas which, temporarily,  took over the reins of power of the government.  One, in particular, reminds me so much of the present situation in the U.S.  After  much clamoring of various institutions in the public, against  a particularly inept President, the Army, rather reluctantly, overthrew the Government in a bloodless coup, described by the outgoing President as one in which he recognized he had been overthrown by the fact that his car and driver had not picked him up that morning.  A military junta of three generals took over the government of the country.  

I can not help but compare it to our present situation where three Generals, Mattis, and McMaster and Kelly have had to exert a level of control over the Chief Executive to keep things together.  We may not be too far away from just not sending a car and driver (as well as cutting off his Twitter account) to bring him back to the White House after golf.

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