Monday, October 22, 2018


Conservatives call Social Security "entitlemenits",  Liberals call it "earned benefits", I call it "pre-paid services".  Every penny for Social Security has been paid for, in advance, and talk of "reform" is, at moment conspiracy to commit theft.


  1. Spot on. Careful! You’re speaking truth to power. ;-) Applause, applause! How to educate the “deplorable”!

  2. Social security is only an entitlement because you have to be eligible to receive it. It is an earned benefit but you don't prepay it, your FICA and other tax contributions pay those presently using their previously earned benefit. Each generation is paying for the generations before them. It is a social system and Americans don't like those kind of ideas so they never really explain it.

  3. There is, at present. 2.5 trillion in the Trust Fund. Enough to pay future medical bills for a time into the future. Medicalexpenses have been pre-paid for an extensive period. The problem may be that not enough funds will be coming in, after 2035, to cover 100% of the withdrawals from the fund, but that doesn't mean that the funds are not there.
