Just as Trump could never catch a break from a judge having Mexican ancestry, because he was building a wall, he feels that an investigator with a German name, like Mueller, will never be fair to a Trump. He offers as proof:
- His grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was forced to leave that part of Germany, called Bavaria, by the authorities, in 1905.
- There are, today, no hotels or buildings, bearing the name Trump, in all of Germany.
- He doesn't get along with Angela Merkel, the head of the German government.
- He is highly critical of the fact that German companies have better sales, of their American made cars, than American companies have their German made cars, in Europe, and he, Trump, wants Germany to do something about it.
Under the circumstances, only the immediate resignation, and replacement, of Robert Mueller, would be proper.
... or Trump could simply resign, though I see little chance of an extreme narcissist admitting any failure.