Thursday, May 11, 2017


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New post on The Octogenarians

The Chalice From the Palace,One More Time

by daedal2207
The wheels are coming off.The firing of James Comey revealed how tight the Trump inside circle is and the near impossibility of getting alternative" facts" quickly enough assembled to distribute them to all those in contact with a waiting public spearheaded by a vigilant press.Potus' physical posture during the Lesley Holt interview was one of fearful hyper vigilance reinforcing the impression that Potus was less than truthful.
How truthful are the assertions that ACA is falling apart? Republican governed states are certainly not helping with the matter of exchanges as a result of which these states have little or no competition for ACA exchange membership which,particularly in rural areas,pares profitability for participating providers.Social Security,Medicare,Medicaid have been worked on and modified over decades.Veterans Affairs have been neglected and are in disarray.Simply put systems have to evolve.There is no omniscience behind plan development.Worse yet there is evidence of deliberate sabotage to help ACA fail.Once again Pinocchio's nose is growing in spite of attacks on imported Canadian lumber.
We must be particularly on guard against military adventurism on the part of Trump and his key supporters to distract from Russian collusion scrutiny.In short,the wheels coming off of the Trump chariot should not be retoolable into tank treads.
daedal2207 | 11 May 2017 at 10:10 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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1 comment:

  1. Good assessment ... no further comment is necessary on my part.
