Sunday, May 7, 2017


Trump hopes that the world will recognize the invaluable assistance that he has given M. Macron in winning the French election, by backing his opponent.  He thinks that Macron could not have done it without him, further enhancing his influence in foreign affairs.

Additionally, Trump is particularly proud to have shown Macron how to win by a landslide.

 A victory lap, by the Donald, in the coming days, could be expected. 


  1. Hooray!!! The Enlightenment lives on! To be sure, the usurper-in-chief will find a way to lie himself into credit. 'Til then, bring out the champagne!!!

    P. S. Just to think that there are societies that are smarter ... not to buy into the con. Congratulations, France!

  2. Trump's version of collateral damage caused by his administration.
