Wednesday, May 24, 2017


There really should be no doubt as to the fact that the American public has misunderstood Donald Trump.  Although many may feel that he has betrayed them, he has remained steadfast in his desire to make America great again.

The misunderstanding seems to have arisen as to just when it was that America was great.  For Trump, the time of greatness was the last days of the  GeorgeW. Bush administration.  He could discharge all of his debts in bankruptcy and even though it was his creditors who lost their money, Trump could claim the tax deduction.  Real estate prices were plummeting and, with a mountain of Russian cash backing him, Trump could pick up great properties at bargain prices. Ah, those were the great days!  No wonder Trump's personal animus towards Obama for having ruined his particular paradise.  

To Trump, the key to a return to greatness was to revive the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy along with deregulation in hopes of replicating the conditions which could lead to a return to the Great Recession, thus meeting the campaign promise to make America "Great" again.  

1 comment:

  1. He may make it great, but only in the biased eyes of the privileged.
