Saturday, May 21, 2016


Throughout the the entire time of the Obama Administration, the N.R.A. and its spokespeople have insisted that Obama was going to take away people's guns.  As the months dwindle down to a very few, there has been not a scintilla of evidence that this would happen.  With so little time left, it has fallen on Donald Trump to pass the baton to another candidate to be the target of  the canard. Trump has done so at his recent talk before the N.R.A  He.  categorically stated that it is now Hillary Clinton who  will take their guns away. 

The N.R.A. followers have dutifully accepted that it is she who will do the job despite having been misinformed, for more than 7 years now about Obama, seemingly proving, once again,the validity of the statement that our Creator has chosen to place no boundaries on mankind's stupidity.

1 comment:

  1. With all of the extreme changes that the GOP is going through these days, some things never change.
