Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Mr. Trump, you say that your tax returns are being audited by the I.R.S. for which reason you are unable to provide them to the public.  Unless, a tax return has not been filed, at all, the I.R.S. normally abides by the 3 year statute of limitations and in a few cases will extend that to a six year limit.  Assuming that you have filed tax returns, are any of your tax returns, whose audits have been long completed, available for the public?  You have been in business now for over 45 years.  Assuming that all are not still being audited, are any tax returns, from any of those years, available for the public to view?

I fear. that not only will the questions not be asked but, if asked, will not receive an intelligible answer


  1. The three year statute runs from the due date or the actual filing date whichever is later,

  2. Since Trump isn't required to show his tax returns the question is irrelevant. If he had any intention of revealing them he would have done so by now. Obviously, his political opponents within his own party couldn't get him to reveal them, why would he do so for Democrats? Don't hold your breath.

  3. The question is not whether Trump will provide his tax returns but whether the Press will even question him to begin with.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The mainstream media has refrained from asking him to release his tax returns during the GOP debates and on the campaign trail, deeming Trump's excuses for not releasing them at this time to be sufficient.

    His GOP candidacy opponents pressured him to release them, even claiming that they had released theirs (all they released were the cover pages). Trump had refused to acquiesce to their demands, citing that he had no legal obligation to do so. Since that tactic is working, why would he change it? He has more support than any prior GOP candidate, so obviously his supporters don't care ... and Trump doesn't care what his opposition thinks. And we know how the media loves dissension and turmoil ... that's what makes headlines.
