Sunday, December 30, 2018
For more than two centuries, the Federal legislative process has involved three parties, the House of Representatives, the Senate and the President. With the advent of President Trump, there are now a total of six (6) parties, with Fox News, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh now added to the parties involved. It is the failure of the Democrats to recognize new realities that is the cause of recent problems. Until the others are invited to the negotiating table, there will continue to be problems in the governance of the Federation called the United States of America.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Trump's threat to close down the southern border, an act that would cause pain and economic damage to the American people, unless his orders are followed, evokes childhood memories of reports of how Hitler's Gauleiters ran Nazi-occupied European nations during World War II,ut but and subsequently, Russia acted in the lands behind its Iron Curtain. The entire counry was punished, even brutally, if orders, emanating from either Berlin or Moscow, were not followed.
Since walls can serve not only to keep people out but to prevent them from fleeing, will we, one day, need someone to say, "Mr. Putin, tear down this wall!"
Friday, December 28, 2018
Trump is upset with fact checkers who keep counting the same lie over and over again every time he repeats it. He says that once they declare something he states to be a lie, is unfair to count that as a lie every time he repeats it. He claims that when properly tallied, he actually lies infrequently.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Trump is not necessaarily wrong for stating that most of the people not receiving pay checks,, because of the Government shut down are Democrats, even though he has absolutely no evidence. He can be certain, even if more Republicans were affected by the shutdown, there are now more Democrats affected.
Trump has maintained that he is responsible for increases in the increase in value of the market averages even as the head of the fed is responsible for any losses suffered by same. I see another strange connection, in that whereas before the Christmas holiday, there were a string of losses, the day after the holiday, when Trump went to Iraq, the market rebounded 1000 points. As soon as Trump arrived back in the U.S. the stock market resumed its losing ways. Is it possible that if we keep Trump out of Washington, say, in Iraq we can continue to enjoy a prosperous market?
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Perhaps Trump might explain to his constituents that by putting up a steel slat fence, on the border, he is actually transferring needed resources to an otherwise impoverished area.
Liberals should think of the fence as a 2000 mile vein of high grade metal which can be processed and sold to Mexican mini-mills providing a source of income to recyclers.
Liberals should think of the fence as a 2000 mile vein of high grade metal which can be processed and sold to Mexican mini-mills providing a source of income to recyclers.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Trump adamantly rejects any allegation that he would accept the blame for any Government shutdown if they didn't fund the wall at the border. Trump says that he said that his tax cuts would not increase the national debt but they did; he said that the Mexicans would pay for the wall and they didn't. Trump claims that no reasonable man could have the expectation that his promise to assume responsibility for the shutdown could possibly have any validity. Hard to argue the point.
Friday, December 21, 2018
After a look at Donald J. Trump's plans for a "slat steel fence" on the Mexican border, it seems to me that Fedex sized document envelopes, that can fit between the slats, will become a hot ccommodity item for the drug cartel.
Republican Presidents, in this cenury, seem to be fond of bombing the wrong countries. After the World Trade Center was attacked by Saudi Arabians based in Afghanistan, George W. Bush bombed the country of Iraq.
Now because Mexico will not pay for a wall, Donald J. Trump is planning to bomb the Government in Washington by shutting it down financially. Trump should be shutting down the Government of Mexico not ours.
Now because Mexico will not pay for a wall, Donald J. Trump is planning to bomb the Government in Washington by shutting it down financially. Trump should be shutting down the Government of Mexico not ours.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Many Republican members of Congress, both Senators and Representatives, are showing disapproval of the present Administration by retiring and not running again for Congress. Perhaps they consider this their personal stand against Trumpism. Of course, it is nothing of the sort. A far better symbolic act would have been to caucus with the Democrats while still retaining their Republican party affiliation.
Friday, December 7, 2018
50 years from now, when Hillsary Clinton has turned 126. and the first Republican to be elected to office after the Trump debacle, is in office and again in trouble, that Republican will be looking to an investigation into the Clinton emails in order to save his Presidency.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Donald Trump, feels it is extremely unfair for law suits to be filed against him and/or his companies for allegedly receiving emoluments from foreign entities, in violation of the Constitution, for rentals at his properties. How can it be called an emolument when he has to negotiate, and be competitive in his pricing, with each and every one of his deals?
Trump, visibly upset by all the pomp and circumstance shown for the funeral of George H.W. Bush, considering his inability to get funding, himself, for a military parade or even a Wall, was mollified, to an extent, by John Kelley, who indicated that the American people would gladly give Trump a glorious funeral.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
The Mueller investigation, if anything, has revealed the unrealistically high standard that has been set for occupants of the highest executive office in our land. By requiring the candidates to that office to follow the law is exceeding reasonable expectations.
Friday, November 30, 2018
In response to criticism for having engaged in negotiations with the Russian Government to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, Trump says that he was "allowed" to do so, and presumably to lie, to the American people, about it. Since there is nothing mentioning such a power allowing this in our Constitution, it may be the first material indication of that "deep state" which Trump says exists and controls things. I trust that Congress will take the opportunity to investigate how it came to be that Trump was allowed this privilege.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
As someone who spent a good portion of his professional career in Latin America, I draw a direct line from what is ocurring at our Southern Border to the devestation visited upon our State Department by the Trump Administration. At no time, that I lived and worked iiin the area would any U.S. Administration, whether Democratic or Republican . have tried to handle mass illegal immigration by force. They had knowledge of where the buttons were that needed pushing to prevent it. There never was anything quite like what we are seeing. today, at the border.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Since Donald Trump doesn't fully believe or accept the asessments of his intelligence arms, anyways, why did he request almost $55 Billion for F/Y 2018? He could very well have said "Why Bother? Maybe they did, Maybe didn't" and saved all that money for another tax cut.
You must admit that Big Donald Dump really told off Little Adam Schitt. I'll bet Little Adam will never again mess with a Big Dump, ever again.
Trump's decision to back the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi was not arrived at without soul-searching. Trump asked himself, "What did Khashoggi ever do for me?" Unable to come up with an answer. he came down firmly on the side of the Royal Family.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
I wonder what the attitude of the American public might be if ebola had the Constitutional protection of an amendment as do guns, another lethal artifact.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Now that Trump has declared his intention to wage war on the House of Representatives should they attempt to exercise oversight powers on the Executive Branch, his present trip to Europe takes on special importance. Trump may require assistance, from NATO, in supplying additional troops in his war on Congress, and he may be sounding out their reaction to his invoking Article V of the treaty.
Friday, November 9, 2018
A large segment of the Amyerican people are, rightfully, edgy and concerned abouth the possibility of interference in the Mueller investigation. The only one that, I sense, seems to be singularly unconcerned is Mueller himself. I have come to find the conjecture that he already that he may already have indictments of Trump and family already, under seal and waiting. plausible. It may be game over and don't know it , yet.
To all of you clamoring that Trump illegally appointed an Acting Attorney General. I admonish you that as Richard Nixon, so famously declared, "When the President does it, it can't be illegal.".
Thursday, November 8, 2018
It is rumored that Trump's new choice for Acting Attorney General has been tasked with the job of ascertaining whether Chairmen of House committees, who have criticised Trump, are required to recuse themselves from the position, for bias. Trump says that mandatory recusal of his critics would only be fair.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Trump says that he will issue an Executive Order to change the 14 Amendment. Don't underestimate the depths to whuich Trump could try to reach in nullifying our Constitution. Now that he feels that he owns the Supreme Court, he could very well issue the order and if taken to court, just have the Supreene Court rule in his favor. The Constitution is in peril and our first order of business should be the impeachment of at least one of the present Justices.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
It would appear that many of Trump's fellow Nationalists will be coming out of the woodwork to make up for the time lost since the interruption of their work in 1945.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Trump's followers are most comfortable thinking using bumpersticker slogans rather than other disciplines. That is why they have embraced the slogan, "Jobs not Mobs" They are now busy working building bombs to send to Democrats rather than just calling for the incarceration of people for their politicalviews.
It is interesting to note that as we approach the Centennial Anniversary, of the formation of a German political party, in February 1920,which proudly called itself , "Nationalist", another individual of German descent has proudly proclaimed himself to be a Nationalist.
It is interesting to note that as we approach the Centennial Anniversary, of the formation of a German political party, in February 1920,which proudly called itself , "Nationalist", another individual of German descent has proudly proclaimed himself to be a Nationalist.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Conservatives call Social Security "entitlemenits", Liberals call it "earned benefits", I call it "pre-paid services". Every penny for Social Security has been paid for, in advance, and talk of "reform" is, at moment conspiracy to commit theft.
New post on The Octogenarians |
As I believe that the Saudi Royal family would strictly observe Sharia law, even in their treatment of Jamal Khshoggi, I offer, as conjecture, an alternate scenario for what happened at the Saudi c:onsulate at Istanbul: I believe that a religious court, in Saudi Arabia, in absentia, sentenced Khshoggi to having his arms amputated for having written blaphemy. Amputation of a culprit's limbs being quite legal under Saudi law, and the Saudi consulate being, nominally, Saudi territory, the group that travelled there were deputized to execute the sentence with no inention to kill him. What may have happened is that the shock of amputation was too much for Khshoggi's body, in which case, it was the will of Allah that he perished.
As in the U.S., religious beliefs take precedence over Constitutional rights, which might or might not apply to noncitizens, in a foreign locale.
As in the U.S., religious beliefs take precedence over Constitutional rights, which might or might not apply to noncitizens, in a foreign locale.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
I suspect that the best the Trump Administration is likely to come up with is that the mysterious disappearance of Khshoggi is the result of an alien abduction, and as a result Trump will open up Area 51 to prove there was no collusion between his administration and the perpetrators.
Contrary to what Republican politicians may be telling you, any payment made, by the U.S. Government, to an enrollee in the Social Security system. actually reduces not increases, U.S. debt.
Disbursements made from the Social Security Fund reduce what we owe to that fund., for what the government has borrowed from it.
So what is the gripe of Republican politicians? They want the U.S. to be forgiven that debt and not to have to repay it, at the same time they would be horrified at any suggestion that other private sector institutions, such as Treasury note holders, likewise forgive what the Government owes them.
Disbursements made from the Social Security Fund reduce what we owe to that fund., for what the government has borrowed from it.
So what is the gripe of Republican politicians? They want the U.S. to be forgiven that debt and not to have to repay it, at the same time they would be horrified at any suggestion that other private sector institutions, such as Treasury note holders, likewise forgive what the Government owes them.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
I believe that the snarling, sniveling face of Judge Kavanaugh is the perfect antidote for the hundreds of Russian-made memes that continue to flood Facebook.
I think the Republicans deserve credit for keeping Kavanaugh on the world stage, hopefully through the election cycle.
I think the Republicans deserve credit for keeping Kavanaugh on the world stage, hopefully through the election cycle.
Friday, September 28, 2018
The speed with which Republicans can completely reverse course, politically, was demonstrated, by Lindsey Graham, in Senate hearings into the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. When a Democrat suggested, to the key witness, that an F.B.I. investigation into a disputed matter would be beneficial to that witness, Sen. Graham launched into a vitriolic attack on the Democrats for their evil ways and promised them all hell in retribution.
Less than 24 hours later, after a Republican, Senator Jeff Flake, made the same observation, Sen. Graham became effusive in his praise, of the Republican, of course, with no apology to his Democratic colleague.
Less than 24 hours later, after a Republican, Senator Jeff Flake, made the same observation, Sen. Graham became effusive in his praise, of the Republican, of course, with no apology to his Democratic colleague.
One look at Judge Kavanaugh's tear-stained face, and how can one doubt that Dr. Ford did not sexually molest Judge Kavanaugh?
Monday, September 10, 2018
Adolf Hitler led Germany into a fateful war that left Germany with a loss of a third of its territory, to this day, as well as dividing its nation, in half, for 50 years in addition to lowering its status among nations which has lasted to this day. Hitler had made the mistake of arousing two sleeping Giants, the Soviet Union by waging a war of genocide, and the U.S. by declaring war on her.
Yet, not too long after that war, I had the occasion to run across a class of German new building vessels which I found particularly suitable for the transport of high explosives, two of which I arranged to charter. One of the captains was from a part of Germany, which was his family's ancestral home, now a part of Poland for the better part of a century. In my discussions with the Captain, I learned that despite this he held Hitler in high regard for having, he said, re-established order to Germany. What he could not understand, however, what right American warplanes had to appear over his homeland when he, personally, had never done anything to the U.S.
I have, since those conversations, despaired of our species ever learning from history.
Yet, not too long after that war, I had the occasion to run across a class of German new building vessels which I found particularly suitable for the transport of high explosives, two of which I arranged to charter. One of the captains was from a part of Germany, which was his family's ancestral home, now a part of Poland for the better part of a century. In my discussions with the Captain, I learned that despite this he held Hitler in high regard for having, he said, re-established order to Germany. What he could not understand, however, what right American warplanes had to appear over his homeland when he, personally, had never done anything to the U.S.
I have, since those conversations, despaired of our species ever learning from history.
I find it ironic, indeed, that so many women are running, in Congressional races, to replace Republicans who lack the balls to check the power of the Executive branch of Government.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
The best procedural arguments against the treatment of Democrats, during the Kavanaugh hearings, will be heard when the Democrats use the same procedures against the Republicans when they no longer have the majority in the Senate.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
New post on The Octogenarians |
Friday, August 24, 2018
It is going on three years (or seems like it), that Donald is constantly kvetching about how Sessions has done him wrong by recusing himself from the Russian investigation and how he should be fired.
Since the dismissal of Sessions falls within his powers. we are left to wonder why Trump just doesn't fire the man and be done with him instead of his continuous kvetching about it. My guess is that Trump needs Sessions around to blame for Trump's monumental Fuck Up for having fired Comey in the first place thereby bringing on Special Counsel Mueller. Donald simply can't bear to accept blame for any of his actions.
Since the dismissal of Sessions falls within his powers. we are left to wonder why Trump just doesn't fire the man and be done with him instead of his continuous kvetching about it. My guess is that Trump needs Sessions around to blame for Trump's monumental Fuck Up for having fired Comey in the first place thereby bringing on Special Counsel Mueller. Donald simply can't bear to accept blame for any of his actions.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
To demonstrate White Republican privilege, one need only run a thought experiment to compare reactions of Trump supporters to his having asked the Russians to hack and publish Clinton's emails, to what their reactions to what would have been their reaction to Obama having asked the Chinese to hack Trump's tax returns for publication prior to the election. What would the Trump supporters be saying if China had, indeed, obtained them and published them and Hillary had been elected without a majority of the voters voting for her?
Saturday, August 18, 2018
The morning papers talk about the possibility of privatizing the war in Afghanistan. I think it may have at least one advantage in that the proponents of war there, can no longer claim that failure to provide additional funds means "failure to support our troops". We can always provide sufficient funds for the contractor to fly his troops out and then wash our hands of a war that nobody other than the Contractor wants.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Nobody can deny that Trump supporters are a special breed. They are the only people I know who believe a man, whose own lawyers consider, is too untrustworthy to testify under oath.
Trump may be our least understood Presidents in all of our history. Anyone with an understanding of what it takes to drain a swamp knows that not only do you need a location to place the animal life but a spoils bank to handle the muck. What Donald was trying to tell us is that he would use Washington, D.C. for both. He assembled one of the most complete collections of swamp creatures, from all over the U.S., to live and work there, providing them with much muck for their habitat.
His critics only look at Washington, where the swamp is more populous than ever, and neglect to give Trump credit for making Main Street that much cleaner.
His critics only look at Washington, where the swamp is more populous than ever, and neglect to give Trump credit for making Main Street that much cleaner.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Nixon said<" if the President does it that means it's not illegal." Trump adds, "If the President's son does it, it's not illegal either">
Saturday, August 4, 2018
From the Republicans point of view, any attempt to beef up defenses against Russian meddling into our election would be unfair interference in our electoral process, and they'll have none of those shenanigans on their watch.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Say what you will about Donald Trump, we are one official act of making America Great again! A simple resignation, by Trump, would do it.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Etched forever, in my memory, are the celebrations, dancing in the street, and kissing and hugging that went on after the end of the war in Europe and after VJ day. I suspect there will be similar displays, throughout the world, on Trump's last day in office.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
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Monday, July 23, 2018
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Trump justifies frequent summit meetings with Putin on the grounds that, since no notes are taken and there is no written material to refer to, he needs Putin to remind him of what he's supposed to do.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
A relic of monarchism, so despised by our founding fathers, a secret treaty, secretly arrived was concluded in Helsinki at the summit meeting between Trump and Putin. No word of the terms have been announced to the American public but Putin has advised his people, that included is a deal for former KGB agents to interrogate our officials. Although Trump denies this, no word has been advised as to the terms of the secret deal. We are all now subjects of King Donald I with the date of the coronation, ad yet unrevealed.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
To quiet a flood of criticism about Trump's performance in Helsinki, Trump, today, offered a single clarification that he meant to use a double negative in one of his statements about Putin's attack on the 2016 elections. Instead of saying that "he didn't see why Putin would interfere in our election", he meant to say "he didn't see why not Putin would interfere with our election" This, of course, Trump feels should take care of all the hubbub surrounding his Helsinki trip except, now, with Trump agreeing with the assessment of his Intelligence services, how come Trump, himself, refused to confront Putin about something that he agreed had occurred?
The use of the double negative has made things even more obscure than before.
The use of the double negative has made things even more obscure than before.
Donald Trump, in defense of his actions at the Helsinki summit with Putin, cites Stephen Decatur" words, "...My country, right or wrong, my country..."
On the other hand, we, here, in the U.S.wish he would, indeed, go back to his country.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Is it my bias or do you, too, see a change in Putin's body language in his meetings with Trump? He used to greet Trump as if he were showing off a prized family heirloom. In Helsinki, he looks at Trump as if he's remembering an appointment for a root canal with a Russian dentist.
Perhaps he's just thinking about what he's going to tell all those Russian officers about how they are going to have to curtail their travel plans and to try to convince them that their bundling up and delivering Putin to Mueller, instead, won't necessarily help their case.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
I confess to a need for serious assistance in understanding the thought processes of our esteemed President. In response to reports of indictments of Russian entities Trump says that the investigation of the matter is a hoax, but Obama, because he was President at the time the hoax was perpetrated should be under investigation, by the Special Counsel. Now, no one has even alleged that Obama has committed any crime or even benefitted by a crime, why is Obama supposed to be under investigation? To make Obama criminally responsible for any criminal act committed during his administration would put a terrible burden, by force of precedent, on any Presidency, past or present
We are told that Obama should, rightfully, be investigated for something that didn't happen, but Trump, who may have benefitted from interference by Russian entities, should not.
As Trump's lawyers have declared, the Special Counsel has not indicted Trump or anyone in his family, why is he so opposed to an investigation which as yet failed to indict them?
We are told that Obama should, rightfully, be investigated for something that didn't happen, but Trump, who may have benefitted from interference by Russian entities, should not.
As Trump's lawyers have declared, the Special Counsel has not indicted Trump or anyone in his family, why is he so opposed to an investigation which as yet failed to indict them?
Friday, July 13, 2018
On the occasion of Mueller's latest indictment, many political pundits are advising Trump to cancel his pending meeting with Putin. I, on the other hand, feel it may be the most important meeting Trump will ever have, especially if he can negotiate good terms, with Putin, for his asylum, in the Russian Federation.
Watching recent hearings, on TV, I have heard that there is no greater depravity than when an F.B.I. man who, despite acting ethically harbors animus, in his thoughts, about the President, whereas that President is sanctified by the fact that even though he met with conspirators to discuss a traitorous action, says he actually refrained from doing the traitorous deed, thereby meriting praise and adulation.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Donald Trump cannot understand the complaints of farmers and other exporters about retaliatory tariffs being placed on their goods. After all, the benefits of winning the trade war will eventually make the temporary sacrifice well worthwhile. Trump family members cannot understand what the fuss is all about, for importers of foreign manufactured goods when none of the goods manufactured for the Trump Corp. have been subject to Trump tariffs, to begin with.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Now that Putin has shown the world, how easily, and inexpensively, it was to take over a hyperpower that was a little less technologically developed and which suffered from crippling tribalism, it is possible that we will, once again see a repeat of the rivalry which spurred small nations to colonize huge swaths of territory in parts of the world. starting in the 16th century.
I expect that we will again see Europe and now China entering into a competition to see who can end up with the Western Hemisphere as a jewel in an imperial crown.
It is not difficult to predict the possibility of cyberwarfare between European countries, fought in the U.S., over Putin's power grab. China will join in to protect their interests. Each side will form alliances with tribes in America, be it Democrat or Republican, to the detriment of the people as a whole. Each side will welcome its alliance, as the Republicans have welcomed
Putin, with a foreign power, while losing sovereignty over its land.
Just as Spain was able to use rivalry among Aztecs and Maya, to conquer vast dominions, and England to conquer a sub-continent, India, so too will America fall.
I expect that we will again see Europe and now China entering into a competition to see who can end up with the Western Hemisphere as a jewel in an imperial crown.
It is not difficult to predict the possibility of cyberwarfare between European countries, fought in the U.S., over Putin's power grab. China will join in to protect their interests. Each side will form alliances with tribes in America, be it Democrat or Republican, to the detriment of the people as a whole. Each side will welcome its alliance, as the Republicans have welcomed
Putin, with a foreign power, while losing sovereignty over its land.
Just as Spain was able to use rivalry among Aztecs and Maya, to conquer vast dominions, and England to conquer a sub-continent, India, so too will America fall.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
In a country that, in some ways, could meet Trump's criteria for being a "S******e country is finding and rescuing little children whereas the self-styled "greatest country on earth" can't even find children in its own custody. Makes one wonder.
With the icy silence of Robert Mueller's investigation seemingly ringing like an alarm bell in Trump's ears, Donald can bearly contain himself. It is rumored that the reason no one but Trump and Putin will be in attendance, at Helsinki, is that Soviet-made nerve gas will be discussed.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
From Trump's point of view, there is no problem with Russian meddling with America's elections but there is a large problem with American meddling in Trump's election. American meddling into Trump's elections is extremely unfair and as can be seen, a costly distraction.
Monday, July 2, 2018
A correspondent has made a comment, to my last post titled, "No Business Threatening War", stating in effect, that an armed service of the U.S. Government has proven to be effective against toddlers and infants who should,now, be fearful of the might of our nation. It is a valid observation.
Considering that Donald Trump's administration has lost track of a group of about 2000 children, the number of children in an average high school, Trump would appear to be very wise in appeasing even small countries like North Korea. A nation that cannot properly administer a High School size enterprise, has no business threatening war with other countries.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Twice, in the span of 2 years, Mitch McConnell has used parliamentary tricks to mold the Supreme Court to conservative leanings. He really should brush up on history, as well. After all, there has been an impeachment of a Supreme Court justice, by the House of Representatives, for political bias. The Justice, Samuel Chase, was, subsequently, acquitted by the Senate, but McConnell, should remember that there may come a time when Democrats have control of both Houses of Congress, and Democrats remember that a precedent for impeachment, for political reasons, of Court judges does exist, and exercise their Constitutional rights to rectify McConnell's wrongs.
Monday, June 25, 2018
It is rumored that when aides brought him notice that one group of his core supporters, soybean farmers, were unhappy with having to declare bankruptcy because of retaliatory tariffs imposed by China, Trump responded, incredulously, that bankruptcies had always worked for him.
Considering the money he always made with bankruptcies, Trump believes he is being treated unfairly by the farmers.
Considering the money he always made with bankruptcies, Trump believes he is being treated unfairly by the farmers.
As the poet, Robert Frost, noted, "Something there is that does not love a wall."
History records that not only have walls like the Great Wall of China and Hadrian's Wall not served to keep out their intended targets they have not served to instruct mankind in the folly of having erected them, to begin with.
History records that not only have walls like the Great Wall of China and Hadrian's Wall not served to keep out their intended targets they have not served to instruct mankind in the folly of having erected them, to begin with.
Friday, June 22, 2018
How is it that the man who claimed that he "alone" could fix things in the government, needs so many people to blame for everything that goes wrong?
When Barack Obama was President, his critics denied his legitimacy, claiming that he was born, in Kenya, and, therefore illegitimate as President and was a "squatter in the White House". It is, most strange, then, to hear. these same critics, invoke Obama's name every time they feel it necessary to legitimize the actions of Donald Trump. Trump separates thousands of families at the border? Well, Obama separated hundreds of thousands of families (this despite even a shred of evidence that Obama separated even a single family) therefore what Trump did was legitimate, They see no irony in invoking a supposedly illegitimate President to legitimatize the actions of their candidate.
New post on The Octogenarians |
Monday, June 18, 2018
Trump has made it quite clear that he is trying to extort funds for his border wall by wresting children away from their parents and blaming the Democrats for not coming to the Republicans to beg to remedy the situation. Democrats fail to see why the Republicans just don't get their fellow Republicans to vote the funds since they have majorities in both Houses of Congress. Trump supporters claim that this is disingenuous on the part of the Democrats as they are perfectly aware that there are insufficient Republican with any humanity to be moved by the sight of terrorized children losing their parents.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Say what you will about Donald J.Trump, but he has just proven himself to be the ultimate in the Art of Negotiations. I doubt that there is another person who could come up is sure to be the most unique concept, ever, in the history of international negotiations.
By giving his opponent everything they could ever have hoped to achieve before negotiations began, Trump has so befuddled his adversary that it is expected t0o facilitate actual negotiations when they begin.
By giving his opponent everything they could ever have hoped to achieve before negotiations began, Trump has so befuddled his adversary that it is expected t0o facilitate actual negotiations when they begin.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
By introducing the Honor System to nuclear weapons control, Donald Trump, has, forever, changed the nature and protocols of controlling nuclear proliferation.
Think of how much better off we would have been had we let Trump negotiate with the Ayatollahs.
Think of how much better off we would have been had we let Trump negotiate with the Ayatollahs.
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Only twice in my lifetime has the American public applied the appellation "Great" to an American era or period in its history. The first time was the Great Depression and the second time was the Great Recession. Both times were not happy periods, for me, and I hope I can be forgiven if I continue to be apprehensive about Trump's promise to make us "great" again.
My sense of apprehension is further aggravated by seeing repetitions of actions which have been singled out for having possibly caused both previous calamities, namely tariffs restricting foreign trade on the one hand and removing restrictions on common sense regulations on the other.
My disbelief that anything good will come of repeating the same old mistakes, expecting a different outcome, makes me suspect that the next economic downturn will be a doozie that will not be remedied by bumper sticker talk or other traditional cures.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Friday, May 25, 2018
Liberals just completely fail to understand Trump's concern with the spy, the F.B.I. hired to infiltrate his campaign. It was no ordinary spy but a Super-spy with superhuman powers. The F.B.I. spy was able to infiltrate the Trump Campaign without ever appearing there or ever having been seen on the premises "Super spy" was able to infiltrate the Trump campaign from the comfort of his lair at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. Anyone doubting the capability of the Brits, in this regard, is referred to the ever-growing armory of James Bond in the movies.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
President Trump hopes that his being forced to delay his summit meeting with Kim Jon Un, for lack of preparation, will not be used as a block to receiving his much deserved Nobel Prize. Even with a delay, he is, in his belief, the most deserving, on the planet, for the award, Only the malicious activity of Democrats could possibly account for his not being awarded same.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Yes, I know Liberals think Trump is constantly bitch-whining about the slightest imagined offense but he may have a point when it comes to planting a spy in his organization. Turns out that the plant was an academic working out of the University of Cambridge who invited Trump's advisers to his seminars at the University.
Although his activity was completely licit if was also nefarious. Proof of the perniciousness of his actions lies in the fact that a majority of the invitees, forswore criminal activity and turned States's evidence. How much more evidence is required??
Although his activity was completely licit if was also nefarious. Proof of the perniciousness of his actions lies in the fact that a majority of the invitees, forswore criminal activity and turned States's evidence. How much more evidence is required??
Friday, May 18, 2018
Giuliani is all in a tizzy as to who the F.B.I. put as a plant in the Trump campaign. The Trumpers might be better off leaving that one alone. I doubt that any known liberal Democrat would have made the cut, as a double agent. Additionally, any liberal, Democrat would have been proud of having done their patriotic duty and would not be concerned with remaining anonymous. My bet would be on Steve Bannon.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
The investigation of Bill Clinton, by Ken Starr. which eventually led to Clinton's impeachment, lasted four (4) years. Now let us suppose that Democrats, who held majorities in Congress, at the time. had begun to pressure the Department of Justice, to remove Ken Starr at on the occasion of the first anniversary, of his investigation. Not the people, Congress or the Department of Justice would have tolerated it.
In its own way, that was a test of whether the people of the United States deserved to call themselves a "free people". We may face a similar test in our own time.
In its own way, that was a test of whether the people of the United States deserved to call themselves a "free people". We may face a similar test in our own time.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Typical, of the anti-Trump groups, is their making a big fuss over the smallest of things. Trump has licensed his name to enterprises all over the world, without, any furor and gnashing of teeth, and the fact that Trump licensed his name to Michael Cohen, to be able to sell access to the Trump administration. is just another licensing operation and the access is worth no more than a diploma from Trump University. So what's the big fuss?
Monday, May 7, 2018
It never ceases to amaze me how mothers, who are so frightened at the possibility that a vaccination can cause autism in their children, think nothing about a child receiving a shot of penicillin, which kills protective intestinal flora in their gut.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
It is with more than passing interest, I note that RudyGiuliani is offering, as a reason for Trump not being able to sit down for an interview with the Special Counsel, is that offered for not bringing Benedict Arnold to trial for negotiating the surrender of West Point to the Briish, namely that he was too busy commanding West Point to respond to the allegation.
Now, it is just as unreasonable to expect that the man upon whom we rely to defend our interests against Russia, is immune from questions about Russia, because he is too busy protecting us.
Now, it is just as unreasonable to expect that the man upon whom we rely to defend our interests against Russia, is immune from questions about Russia, because he is too busy protecting us.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Anyone who has seriously played at baseball, and has seen a base hit single turn into a triple by a baseball hitting a pebble, knows, full well, the old baseball expression, "it's better to be lucky than good". A similar expression could be applied in politics.
A case in point is that of Donald Trump and North Korea; After years of pouring all of North Korea's resources into nuclear weapons, the atomic testing has so damaged their test site that it is unusable and comes at a time when North Korea lacks the resources to build a new one or repair the old one. They are forced to not only suspend their nuclear program but to consider a complete change in their relationship with the rest of the world.
That this fortuitous event has occurred during the administration of Donald Trump is another example of baseball wisdom.
A case in point is that of Donald Trump and North Korea; After years of pouring all of North Korea's resources into nuclear weapons, the atomic testing has so damaged their test site that it is unusable and comes at a time when North Korea lacks the resources to build a new one or repair the old one. They are forced to not only suspend their nuclear program but to consider a complete change in their relationship with the rest of the world.
That this fortuitous event has occurred during the administration of Donald Trump is another example of baseball wisdom.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
A spurious tale is going around that, for Trump, the biggest tragedy is what is happening as the result of the F.B.I. raid on Michael Cohen. Cohen is said to have been in the middle of negotiations which would have put Trump in the top tier of American Presidents.
Cohen, it is said, was negotiating a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) with Vladimir Putin which would have called for the return of Alaska, to Russia, in exchange for all the pictures, plus negatives, of all the Trump hotel room scenes in Moscow. It is believed that negotiations had already proceeded to the point where all the fictitious names, to be used in the NDA, had been agreed upon.
Cohen, it is said, was negotiating a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) with Vladimir Putin which would have called for the return of Alaska, to Russia, in exchange for all the pictures, plus negatives, of all the Trump hotel room scenes in Moscow. It is believed that negotiations had already proceeded to the point where all the fictitious names, to be used in the NDA, had been agreed upon.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Despite the fact that no Russian has the right to bear arms, there is much Russian interest in our N.R.A. The interest seems to extend to large donations to the association. In turn, this has lead to freeing up of large sums of money for use, by the N.R.A., in Congressional elections. It is hardly any wonder that despite the number and frequency of gun massacres, no action is taken by our legislators, but a single death of a pet aboard an airplane receives instant attention.
Perhaps our nation needs another Special Counsel to investigate Russian meddling into the Legislative branch of our government, In any event, I'd love to hear Tovarisch Wayne La Pierre explain how unlimited Russian funding is protected by the Second Amendment.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Donald Trump has called the raid, on his attorney's office, a "national disgrace". To those who may not be too clear on the reason Trump feels this way, considering that the request was not made by Special Counsel Mueller, but by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, the real reason Trump is so upset is that the news of the raid is crowding out the relatively good press Trump was enjoying with respects to Syria.
For months now, Trump has manipulated the press so as to distract from any bad news and the use of this tactic by his foes, even unintentionally, is certainly a "national disgrace".
For months now, Trump has manipulated the press so as to distract from any bad news and the use of this tactic by his foes, even unintentionally, is certainly a "national disgrace".
Friday, April 6, 2018
Trump claims that other countries take our money when we run deficits in trade with them. I am also told that American companies are holding trillions of dollars, offshore so as not to have to pay taxes on income earned abroad. I wonder if there is any connection between our trade deficits, which run into the billions, and money, in the trillions being held offshore by those American firms.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Should the Dow Jones average fall under what it was during the Obama Administration, Trump may have to call the "Dow" Fake News. The Trump supporting investor may, then, face a quandry as to whether to believe the Dow or whether to believe Trump. Should the Dow be believed when it indicates losses or Trump saying that the market is rising. These are difficult times for Republican investors.
Trump was, technically, correct to call Putin and congratulate him on having successfully rigged yet another election, this time in Russia. There is no doubt that Putin has been on a roll since 2016
Friday, March 30, 2018
Conservatives are incensed by the lack of patriotism, shown by the Parkland victims, in arranging for a boycott, of advertisers, of Laura Ingraham< They say that this is a direct assault on her First Amendment rights.
It is their suggestion that they look at Conservative responses to, say, Colin Kaepernick, or the Dixie Chicks, for guidance in how to act in a patriotic manner.
It is their suggestion that they look at Conservative responses to, say, Colin Kaepernick, or the Dixie Chicks, for guidance in how to act in a patriotic manner.
Friday, March 23, 2018
In light of lack of action, by a Republican-run U.S. Government, in the matter of Russian interference in our elections, and considering the new precedent that has been set, can Democrats not appeal to Germany and the U.K. to find Trump's tax returns, as Trump asked Russia to find Hillary's email?
The quid pro quo that Democrats can offer is a return to a pre-Trump relationship with our European allies.
The quid pro quo that Democrats can offer is a return to a pre-Trump relationship with our European allies.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Both Facebook and the N.R.A. sell products which are sold to be used, by a segment of the public, that when used for the purposes that they were designed for, are benign, although, in the case of guns, sold by the N.R.A. there is much controversy over the use for which guns were designed. In any event, it is the nefarious use of the product which can cause harm. In the case of Facebook, it is the ease of social discourse which is being provided and the harm can come is when evil people study information that can be gleaned from said discourse; in the case of the N.R.A., the harm that their product causes can include the death of little school children.
It is interesting to note, the reaction of our lawmakers to the problems arising out of misuse of the respective products. Facebook will be called in front of Congress for a severe dressing down, and face possible penalties. For the N.R.A., however, Congress will circle the wagons and defend them from any real harm.
Forgive me for wondering whether the severe grilling that Facebook will receive, from Congress, as opposed to the N.R.A. has more to do with campaign contributions than societal harm.
It is interesting to note, the reaction of our lawmakers to the problems arising out of misuse of the respective products. Facebook will be called in front of Congress for a severe dressing down, and face possible penalties. For the N.R.A., however, Congress will circle the wagons and defend them from any real harm.
Forgive me for wondering whether the severe grilling that Facebook will receive, from Congress, as opposed to the N.R.A. has more to do with campaign contributions than societal harm.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
To all those critics of Trump having congratulated Putin on his election win, Trump defiantly says "Not only have I congratulated Putin on his win in Russia, I expect to call him in November to congratulate him after the Congressional elections".
Saturday, March 17, 2018
When the German Nazis conquered Norway in the early days of World Warr II, they found a Norwegian, named Vidkun Quisling, willing to head a puppet government for their occupation forces. The man's surname became used to denote any collaborator with the hated Nazis.
The Norwegians so reviled the very name, Quisling, that it has lived in infamy to this day. Family members changed their names as a result, and it is believed that no one in Norway bears that surname to this date.
It is my belief that there will be a similar phenomenon, with the surname Trump, in the United States, for a similar reason.
The Norwegians so reviled the very name, Quisling, that it has lived in infamy to this day. Family members changed their names as a result, and it is believed that no one in Norway bears that surname to this date.
It is my belief that there will be a similar phenomenon, with the surname Trump, in the United States, for a similar reason.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Putin has warned Trump about placing more sanctions on Russia. He has threatened to place the "Ultimate Sanction", in the way of retaliation. He will ban the Trump Corp. from ever building a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
It must come with a sense of relief that Putin has finally allowed Trump to officially acknowledge Russian meddling, in the 2016 elections, by imposing sanctions on certain pre-approved targets.
I wonder how long it will take to filter down to the ranks of Trump supporters that they no longer are required to suspend disbelief when it comes to Russian meddling in those elections. I'm sure that will come as a big relief to some of my Conservative friends; it's not easy to keep denying reality.
I wonder how long it will take to filter down to the ranks of Trump supporters that they no longer are required to suspend disbelief when it comes to Russian meddling in those elections. I'm sure that will come as a big relief to some of my Conservative friends; it's not easy to keep denying reality.
Unable to bear the loss of Pennsylvania District 18 House seat, both Trump and Paul Ryan are claiming Conor Lamb as a fellow Conservative, Since Lamb ran as a candidate in favor of Obamacare, against the Trump tax bill, in favor of stricter background checks for gun purchases, and in favor of a woman's choice even if he is personally opposed to abortion, perhaps Conservatives are now adopting Liberal positions in preparation for the coming mid-term elections.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
The G.O.P. is in panic mode after the Pennsylvania Special Election, and is desperately calling for Trump to assist, once again, by appealing to Putin for assistance, as he did, during his campaign, for assistance in hacking Hillary Clinton's email account.
If Putin cannot change the results of the election to favor the Republican candidate, then to at least provide more cash to the N.R.A. for more contributions towards the mid-term elections in November.
If Putin cannot change the results of the election to favor the Republican candidate, then to at least provide more cash to the N.R.A. for more contributions towards the mid-term elections in November.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
When Putin has succeeded in his plot to neutralize the U.S., it will set off a fierce competition between China and the former U.S.S.R. for the remains. Although Russian money appears to be purchasing most of the American government , at this point, China has more money and will become competitive.
I feel that the U.S., east of the Mississippi will go to Russia while China will assume doninance in the area west of the Mississippi. Alaska will be a toss-up and probable fiction point between China and Russia, Hawaii will definitely become a part of mainland China.
Language studies should take into account these projections.
I feel that the U.S., east of the Mississippi will go to Russia while China will assume doninance in the area west of the Mississippi. Alaska will be a toss-up and probable fiction point between China and Russia, Hawaii will definitely become a part of mainland China.
Language studies should take into account these projections.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
The gun manufacturers of America are appalled at the apparent lack of empathy, evinced by a large section of the public, for their plight. Just because of the clumsiness of their children in failing to get out of the way of bullets, parents are clamoring for the banning of certain types of weapons, disregarding the effect this would have on the livelihood and life style of the manufacturers.
The foregoing in addition to this being unpatriotic and contrary to the American way of life, or death, for that matter.
The foregoing in addition to this being unpatriotic and contrary to the American way of life, or death, for that matter.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Because North Korea violated their nuclear agreements with the U.S., made during the Clinton Administration, after W. Bush invaded Iraq, which did not have them, the next President, Obama continued the Bush policy of not talking with the North Korean regime without preconditions.
Obama insisted on regional talks. as well, because our Asian allies, like Japan and the Philipines, do not take kindly to having its future decided by U.S. without their having a say in the matter.
Be that as it may, Trump has little choice, himself, since Putin, who is North Korea's strongest ally in Asia, sees benefits for the former Soviet Union, in unilateral talks between the U.S. and North Korea, in that, in addition to driving a wedge between the U.S. and its Asian allies, also, if successful, take way the burden of having to feed millions of starving North Koreans. The North Korean Government knows that Putin is the source of their great luck in getting the U.S. to agree to their terms.
Obama insisted on regional talks. as well, because our Asian allies, like Japan and the Philipines, do not take kindly to having its future decided by U.S. without their having a say in the matter.
Be that as it may, Trump has little choice, himself, since Putin, who is North Korea's strongest ally in Asia, sees benefits for the former Soviet Union, in unilateral talks between the U.S. and North Korea, in that, in addition to driving a wedge between the U.S. and its Asian allies, also, if successful, take way the burden of having to feed millions of starving North Koreans. The North Korean Government knows that Putin is the source of their great luck in getting the U.S. to agree to their terms.
Just as a little dog, that chases a car, suddenly is faced with the question: "Now What?" when the car stops, so must the head of a country, that has invested all the resources of his nation on an outdated military technology, on achieving the goal wonder what he has done.
North Korea has atomic weapons but lives, daily, in the shadow of famine. The costs of maintaining a nuclear aresenal will probably eat up any revenues from selling technology. "Now what?", indeed, for the country.
North Korea has atomic weapons but lives, daily, in the shadow of famine. The costs of maintaining a nuclear aresenal will probably eat up any revenues from selling technology. "Now what?", indeed, for the country.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Catholic missionaries, to newly conquered lands in the "New World", were appalled and horified by a culture which would willingly sacrifice their young to appease false gods.
I wonder what they might say had they arrived, instead, to a 21st Century culture which posits that a "God-Given Right" namely, gun ownership, allows for the sacrifice of their children, as well.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
For me, the only reason Putin would advertise a "secret weapon" that he could potentially use on an enemy is because his agent in the White House has tipped him off about a secret U.S. weapon being, developed by the Pentagon. That agent in the W.H. does not have to worry about security clearances and does not have to worry about penalties for revealing classified information which he has already done several times before while in office.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Donald Trump, fully aware that Mexico will never pay for his proposed wall, just wants Mexico to play along with the idea that they might, in order to save face with his base. Mexico has rejected the idea of colluding with Trump to hoodwink the American public.
Trump is, understandably, livid, about Mexican refusal to go along with his request. Donald says he colludes so well with superpowers like Russia, it is the greatest insult to be treated this way by a sh-hole of a country like Mexico.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Had that poor, armed guard, at that Parkland high school, not suffered a severe attack of aggravated bone spurs, at the time of the terror shooting by a former student, I am sure that he, despite being outgunned by someone with an assault rifle capable of firing high-velocity bullets capable of inflicting lethal damage with even a flesh wound, would have willingly sacrificed his life, in vain, for the cause.
Let us, all, be more sympathetic to sufferers of bone spurs.
Let us, all, be more sympathetic to sufferers of bone spurs.
Friday, February 23, 2018
What the Anti-Gun folk fails to acknowledge is the hardship, suffered by the American people, during the 10 year period from 1994 to 2004 when automatic rifles were legally banned.
Nowhere has there been recorded any sympathy for the people who lost their livelihood or were unable to put food on the table for their loved ones. Noone has mourned the loss of income, by hard working undertakers, from unarranged funerals. Little or no empathy was shown for the boredom suffered by EMT personnel all over the nation.
Search and you will find no record of the joy and celebration, throughout the land, when, finally, during the Bush Administration, the ban on automatic rifles was allowed to expire, and an oppressed minority was once again free to target indiscriminately.
The selfishness of the Anti-Gun Lobby will forever be noted in the annals of the insane.
Nowhere has there been recorded any sympathy for the people who lost their livelihood or were unable to put food on the table for their loved ones. Noone has mourned the loss of income, by hard working undertakers, from unarranged funerals. Little or no empathy was shown for the boredom suffered by EMT personnel all over the nation.
Search and you will find no record of the joy and celebration, throughout the land, when, finally, during the Bush Administration, the ban on automatic rifles was allowed to expire, and an oppressed minority was once again free to target indiscriminately.
The selfishness of the Anti-Gun Lobby will forever be noted in the annals of the insane.
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