The LA Times reports that members of the Mexican Army imprisoned by Mexico for abuse of citizens while policing have filed suit protesting that they were asked to do something for which they had no training.They will probably not succeed in their appeal since some of the crimes involve homicide.But policing is a special function requiring special training which the military is not equipped to do.Moving in the opposite direction,in the USA the National Guard has been mobilized by MOM to guard the border and to help round up migrants.Many Guard units have been withdrawn by indignant governors.Not sufficiently mollified by an agreed upon parade in his honor, MOM has ordered indicted and unindicted migrants with or without their children and a lot of children without parents onto military bases for warehousing.He has also ordered JAG lawyers to aid DOJ attorneys in indicting and processing pleas for those aliens.Are there any Republican congressmen or women who would join Democrats in reminding POTUS that the military is,not his Praetorian guard.Perhaps not since a delegation of Republican Senators excluding Democrats who would raise unpleasant issues like Russian interference in our elections,just wound up a visit to Moscow to assure Russia of their eagerness to remain on the good terms desired by their leader (MOM).Somewhat disheartened by Putin's having no time to meet with them they still indicated their willingness to be a friend of Russia.Meanwhile the accord with North Korea is shredding around the issue of verification.Like the Republican senators, SOS Pompeo is claiming progress and cooperation while the N Koreans are complaining of unreasonable arrogant demands and repudiation of the Trump agreement
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