Thursday, October 18, 2018


Contrary to what Republican politicians may be telling you,  any    payment  made, by the U.S. Government, to  an enrollee in the Social Security system. actually reduces not increases, U.S. debt.

Disbursements made from the Social Security Fund reduce what we owe to that fund., for what the government has borrowed from it.

So what is the gripe of Republican politicians?  They want the U.S.  to be forgiven that debt and not to have to repay it, at the same time they would be horrified at any suggestion that other private sector institutions, such as Treasury  note holders, likewise forgive what the Government owes them.


  1. Nobel Prize recipient in Economic Sciences NYTimes Paul Krugman: “What do I mean by double talk? Well, consider the fact that even as McConnell blames ‘entitlements’ (that is, Medicare and Social Security) for deficits, and declares (falsely) that Medicare in particular is ‘unsustainable,’ Paul Ryan’s super PAC has been running ads accusing Democrats of wanting to cut Medicare. The cynicism is breathtaking.”

    The LYING is breathtaking! What a legacy we’re leaving to our descendants! Hopefully, the young people who are concentrating on their student debt will recognize that well-being has many components. The safety net was a result of despair and insecurity. We’ve all been chipping in ... and Congress has been borrowing/stealing from that fund. Yes, th3 LYING is breathtaking.

  2. Instead of breathtaking, I would use the word "suffocating" for surely their lying is meant to be lethal.
