Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The media is making a big deal out of Trump's postponement of the release of his medical records.  Mr. Trump has indicated that he will release them soon, immediately after they are finished with the audit.  

The impatience shown by the media is an indication of how corrupt it has become, according to Mr. Trump.


  1. Let use the same standard as Hilary if Bill & her private doctor say she is ok and one TV talk show host.

    1. As long as we are making standards the same, how about Trump releasing his tax returns as Hillary hs already done, and please don't insult my intelligence (and yours) by citing an audit.

    2. El insulto ya existe con el atento de comparar. Si yo fuera ellos, me daría vergüenza en demostrar mi ignorancia con sugerencias tan taradas. Por otro lado, si uno no sabe ...

  2. Personally, I think talking health issues is simply a distraction from the true issues at hand. Neither is suffering any disqualifying health issues at this time ... move on and start talking about the real national issues our country is suffering.

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