Wednesday, September 25, 2019


The rationale to justify Trump's actions with the newly elected president of the Ukraine is an example of the warped reasoning  exhibited by Trump and his followers.  Joe Biden is said to have used his influence to hold back $1 billion in funds to Ukraine, to get a corrupt Ukranian prosecutor fired.  Somehow, this is made to appear as the worst scandal in the U.S. since Teapot Dome.

At the time, Biden openly informed the public of his intention to use his influence to block a loan guarantee, in the amount of $1 billion, unless the prosecutor was fired.  It was public knowledge and no U.S. funds were involved although our credit would be involved if there was a default.

Now, the entire affair was public knowledge both in the U.S.and the Ukraine in 2017 when Trump took office. In the U.S., investigations are done by the F.B.I or the Department of Justice, both of which have been under control of  Republican appointees including those appointed by Trump, himself, for most of the time since.  Neither have even found enough evidence of criminal wrong-doing to initiate an investigation.  An investigation by Ukranian authories also found no evidence of wrongdoing. 

So what is Trump's beef with the new President of Ukraine?  He thinks that Ukraine owes him the favor of coming up with something, anything that will help him in the 2020 elections.

1 comment:

  1. The answer to the question is that we have a mobster, using tax-payer monies, to extort made up hanky-panky for the personal gain of the mobster. Was he on Fifth Avenue when he made the call?

    Thanks in quantity for stating the record.
