Thursday, January 10, 2019


Most of the Western European countries are, in one form or another, Social Democratic, possibly emulating a Social Democratic country that liberated them from the yoke of Nazism and had sufficient resources to assist them in recovering from the aftermath of the most vicious war in history.

That nation had sufficient resources available to not only simultaneously lift the Western world from a ruinous war but to win a race for nuclear dominance, and send exploration missions to the moon.

That nation was able to finance its endeavors with a marginal tax rate of 90%.  Its wealthy competed against one another to see which of them could exceed in philanthropy.  Its poor and destitute children, such as myself, could find respite from the bleakness of a Great Depression in Public Libraries and cultsural centers provided  by a public/private partnership concerned for the welfare of its citizens.  Its poor children could earn scholarships to even Ivy League schools through competitve exams, something for which I am eternally grateful.

Regretfully, that nation no longer exists and as its infrastructure, once the envy of the world, crumbles, so does its stature in that world.

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