Thursday, January 31, 2019
Among Pseudocons. bumperstickers pass for scholarly theses whererfore many are saying that walls may be medieval but so are wheels therefore walls are as viable as wheels. Obviously they are not, since gun powder has not made wheels obsolete as it has done to walls, but that doesn't sound as catchy on a bumpersticker.
I keep reading how bad socialism is and how Venezuela is ample proof of it, but then, why is it that I keep hearing how China, a communist country, has to loan us money to keep afloat and not vice-versa?
Sunday, January 27, 2019
I doubt that Republican legislators will ever again consider the use of a Government shutdown as a viable mechanism for effecting legislative change, no matter who the President is.
Not so the declaration of a national emergency, another ploy being threatened by President Trump. I, for one, hope he is successful and also is able to be successful in court challenges that are sure to ensue.
Supreme Court decisions set precedents that outlast even Justices on the Supreme Court and if the Unitary Executive can trump (no pun intended) the Legislative branch, I can envision where a Democratic President can legally address the problem of lack of gun control, which claims tens of thousands of lives, every year,, on the basis of an emergency.
Not so the declaration of a national emergency, another ploy being threatened by President Trump. I, for one, hope he is successful and also is able to be successful in court challenges that are sure to ensue.
Supreme Court decisions set precedents that outlast even Justices on the Supreme Court and if the Unitary Executive can trump (no pun intended) the Legislative branch, I can envision where a Democratic President can legally address the problem of lack of gun control, which claims tens of thousands of lives, every year,, on the basis of an emergency.
Friday, January 25, 2019
At this writing, the Government shutdown has just ended after more than a month, with Donald Trump having proven to be the winner, claims, to the contrary, by Chuck and Nancy, notwithstanding. By almost bringing this country, the world's hyperpower. to its knees in a short time span at minimal expense, Trump has proven his value as an asset to any adversary. Any doubts that Putin may have harbored as to the worth of Donald's services should be put to rest.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
True Conservatives, as opposed to Pseudo Conservatives (PeudoCons), are backing Nancy Pelosi in her battle to prevent Trump from setting a precedent which could enable a Liberal Democratic President to extort monies for aome bleeding heart harebrained idea by inflicting pain on a segment of Society.
Pelosi is counting on the adamant support of these Conservatives in her battle against a Liberal philosophy.
Pelosi is counting on the adamant support of these Conservatives in her battle against a Liberal philosophy.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
A new endangered species, a form of gutless invertebrate has been unearthed between Government buildings in the nation's capital. Upon encountering a potentially dangerous predator, this invertebrate scurries away in abject fear.
Because it is so endangered, newly elected Congress people will have to learn how to deal with them.
Because it is so endangered, newly elected Congress people will have to learn how to deal with them.
To ease the impact of of the Government sjutdown, on the public, Trump has ordered thousands of employees to return to work without pay.
Trump supporters feel it is fitting that the Party that so brashly and impetuously ended slavery in the United States should now rectify its error!
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Nothing, during his term in office, has offended Donald Trump as much as the allegation that he did not relate to the Government workers idled by the shutdown. Trump says his critics should be aware that not only does he work for a Government, he actually works for two of them.
Friday, January 11, 2019
If his performance as President is true to his book,"The Art of the Deal", it should have borne the title of "Extortion for Dummies".
Thursday, January 10, 2019
During the previous Republican administration, W. Bush offered us, as a universal cure-all, tax cuts. Suffering migraines? Take a tax cut and everything would be O.K. Under the present Republican Administration, there is nothing that a wall on the Southern Border won't fix. Have a crisis in Syria? Build a wall to keep out ISIS.
My, so-called Conservative friends, who so ardently back Trump in his expressed plans to set a precedent by declaring an emergency to by-pass a legislative impasse, should gird their loins when a (gulp) Black Democtatic Female, with a name say, like Malia Ann Obama, uses the tactic to resolve our gun death problem and/or our climate change probl;em and /or our wealth inequity problem.
Most of the Western European countries are, in one form or another, Social Democratic, possibly emulating a Social Democratic country that liberated them from the yoke of Nazism and had sufficient resources to assist them in recovering from the aftermath of the most vicious war in history.
That nation had sufficient resources available to not only simultaneously lift the Western world from a ruinous war but to win a race for nuclear dominance, and send exploration missions to the moon.
That nation was able to finance its endeavors with a marginal tax rate of 90%. Its wealthy competed against one another to see which of them could exceed in philanthropy. Its poor and destitute children, such as myself, could find respite from the bleakness of a Great Depression in Public Libraries and cultsural centers provided by a public/private partnership concerned for the welfare of its citizens. Its poor children could earn scholarships to even Ivy League schools through competitve exams, something for which I am eternally grateful.
Regretfully, that nation no longer exists and as its infrastructure, once the envy of the world, crumbles, so does its stature in that world.
That nation had sufficient resources available to not only simultaneously lift the Western world from a ruinous war but to win a race for nuclear dominance, and send exploration missions to the moon.
That nation was able to finance its endeavors with a marginal tax rate of 90%. Its wealthy competed against one another to see which of them could exceed in philanthropy. Its poor and destitute children, such as myself, could find respite from the bleakness of a Great Depression in Public Libraries and cultsural centers provided by a public/private partnership concerned for the welfare of its citizens. Its poor children could earn scholarships to even Ivy League schools through competitve exams, something for which I am eternally grateful.
Regretfully, that nation no longer exists and as its infrastructure, once the envy of the world, crumbles, so does its stature in that world.
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