Saturday, December 16, 2017


There can be little doubt that the whine making skills of Republicans far exceed those of Democrats who are woefully lacking in that category.

A particularly glaring example can be found in the handling of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  It is reported that the reason that Director Comey took the unprecedented tactic of exposing the fact that possibly unseen Clinton emails had been found, on a laptop belonging to Huma Abedin, mere days before the election,  an undoubtedly large factor in the electoral defeat of Hillary Clinton, was that an anti-Clinton faction in the New York office of the F.B.I. was threatening to publicly complain at what they felt was bias by the Director.  The emails turned out to be copies of what Clinton had already given to the F.B.I. but the damage had already been done to her campaign.  Trump publically praised Comey for his help; perhaps he privately thanked pro-Trump whiners in the F.B.I 
for their assistance

After firing of Comey, by Trump, and an ensuing ongoing investigation by a Speical Counsel into possible collusion with the Russians by the Trump campaign, private email correspondence between two F.B.I. agents, who were pro-Clinton in the same election was found.  Although private political views are not prohibited to F.B.I. agents,  Mueller immediately removed the two agents from his staff.  Nevertheless, the Republican whine making machinery went into full operating mode, and is even now threatening to derail the investigation into possible criminal acts of the current administration.  There can be little doubt of their whinemaking skill.

1 comment:

  1. Whine make away. Sour grapes is recipe for failure. It ain’t gonna work. We’re all counting on Mueller and his team’s strategic acumen. The W.H. (president’s) lawyers have a corrupt, fraudulent bum for a client. No matter what, this is a lose-lose situation for the Republican Party. Listen to Steve Schmidt, Bret Stephens, Max Boot, David Frum, David Brooks, etc. Oops, this is a public venue. Oh, well. Hope y’all will take my call from a dark cell!! ;-(
