Monday, October 30, 2017


It is, unfortunately, undoubtedly lost on Trump supporters that even if his calls, for investigation of Hillary Clinton, were heeded, it would not in any way exculpate Donald Trump.

His investigation would go on; his trials, if any, would go on; the further investigation of Hillary will not make an iota of difference at the bar of justice, for either.

In the meanwhile, Hillary has withstood hundreds of hours of investigation, including an 11-hour stint where the combined might of the Republican caucus was unable to make a single crack in her defenses.  

By calling for investigation of Hillary, Trump has nothing to gain, and she has nothing to lose.


  1. Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump..
    I have known Trump for decades.We have traveled in the same business circles.
    He is known among other millionaires as a "con artist" and among business owners
    " as a cheat out to stiff everyone".
    Michael Bloomberg Former New York Mayor...
    Sort of sums up Trump accurately

  2. Nothing wrong with your arithmetic!
