Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I believe that Bernie, far from being unsuccessful in his quest for the Presidential nomination, has accomplished more, to date, than he had ever hoped to achieve.  In the time honored role, of third party candidates, that have been so successful, in the past, in moving this nation to social progress, Sanders saw an opportunity to do the job as a Presidential nominee.  Not only was he correct in that, but he has succeeded  in making Hillary a superior campaigner than she was, and he has awakened the old social activist that has lain dormant in her all these years.  I believe she knows that and appreciates him more than she lets on.


  1. I think that is correct. Let's hope its enough to defeat the Repugs.

  2. I hope that's true. I want to hear Hillary carry on Bernie's message throughout the general and throughout her Presidency.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My fear, however, that this new line of Hilary's is JUST for the campaign, and will have no bearing on the presidency. She has not instilled trust in most of us. Bernie, we already know, is steadfast in the beliefs he expresses.

  5. That fear is true for any voter. Think of the Republicans with a candidate who will change his pitch for every single person in earshot. I think Hillary is sincere, but she knows to cut the best deal she can and not go up in flames, no matter how gloriously. We should all be mindful of that Vietnamese proverb: "While it is noble to come to the id of a stricken elephant, it is foolhardy to try to stop it from falling."

  6. I believe that proverb applies even more to the Republican candidates.

  7. It certainly could apply to the entire Republican Party as presently constituted. But my reference was to
    lost causes and the art of politics.
