Monday, September 7, 2015


Sarah Palin may have a valid point in asking that we all speak American.  Of course, since English is not indigenous to America, most of us would have to learn another language to comply.  I wonder which of the many native languages we would have to learn.


  1. OMG! The sublime ignorance ... though , surely a deity is not responsible for that one. I vote for "Hispanic." It is a language, right?

  2. It's an ethnic slur. The language is Iberian with many dialects including Castellano.

  3. The United States has no official language, and it's not clear exactly what America Palin is referring to either. Other than a multitude of indigenous native languages spoken throughout the United States, there are numerous other languages spoken between the top of North America, through Central America, down to the bottom tip of South America (some indigenous native, others brought by later settlers) ... does that mean we have a choice?

  4. If a choice is indicated, I vote for Arabic. Best language for cursing and venting that I've come across. If anyone knows a better one, let me know.

  5. You may be correct, but I do enjoy hearing the sound of an old Scotsman cursing someone out in Scottish Gaelic! They have such a colorful way of insulting someone. Irish Gaelic cursing is equally colorful, but the Scots have a way of making it sound fiercer.
