Tuesday, December 16, 2014


No one should underestimate the formidable task Jeb Bush would  encounter  should he become President.  Faced with with rising employment; a reduced deficit; a record Dow; lower gas prices;  lower rate of increase in health care costs, Jeb will be hard pressed to turn things around.  After all, it took his brother George all of six (6) years to rescue the economy from the prosperity he was left by Clinton.  One can only wonder how long it would take to undo the Obama legacy.


  1. Jeb Bush has finally confirmed his candidacy ... something I forecast a long time ago. Although many consider him a moderate, he will inflict great harm on America if he is elected. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time ... well, you really don't want me to say what I'm thinking.

  2. Oh, Greg! You misquote! It's "Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me ... You can't get fooled again!" 😉 Of course, facts will not get in the way of fooling the overly engaged electorate a third time! Right? 😈

    1. Susanna, you sure got the quotation right! Thanks for the correction.

    2. Actually, it's Dubya who misquoted ... but I appreciate Susanna's humor. And speaking of the electorate, Republicans are currently trying to rig the way the electoral college operates in order to ensure a Republican victory. After all, it's the electoral college that actually elects the president ... 2004 taught many Americans that lesson!

  3. Greg, I thought you were quoting Dubya ... thus, my correction. ;-) As far as the electoral college is concerned, I've commented in the past that it's time to repeal the ancient (204+ year old), no-longer-valid 12th Amendment! I even mentioned that it took only 13 years to repeal the 18th. Fat chance on the 12th! No rock bottom yet. This girl has a tough time replenishing her humor! :-)
