Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Republican Senators will freely tell you, privately, how much they miss having Obama in the Oval Office.  That way they would have ample justification for denying the trillion-dollar bailouts for the coronavirus situation.


With thanks to Dr. Claude Thomas:

New post on The Octogenarians

The Imperial Presidency and covid-19

by daedal2207
The gang who couldn"t shoot straight took dead aim at the coronavirus pandemic and tried to reverse course on the pathway of stupidity and lies that characterized their public health behavior over the last three years and in particular the last six months.They fired with son in law Kushner priming the musket and MOM aka POTUS pulling the trigger.Moscow Mitch shut down the senate on a crucial weekend thereby applying his Kentucky windage in the galestorm of the pandemic.They were months behind the coronavirus but did sink the Dow Jones Index and unmistakably heralded in a bear market and economic recession.
Truth tellers must concede that the OBAMA bull market was coming to an end anyway after 11 years and this administration's identification with the surge was spurious to begin with.Ultra truth seekers will testify to the inapplicability of the stock market indices to the lives of the hoi polio and to the ruthlessness of this administration's pursuit of a 15 per cent return to the rich by destroying the Affordable Care Act,cutting Medicare ,applying a means test and a workability index to MEDICAID mostly eliminating it.Taking 700,000 people off food stamp eligibility was slated for April first but the epidemic and NANCY Pelosi with republican cooperation blocked it.
With the exception of those still being lied to on FOX news(LESS DISASTROUSLY NOW) the public now has access to the danger to which it is exposed by the covid-19 pandemic and the meaning of the declaration of a NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCY.
For those who might like more of my views on infectious illness and public health concerns go to
daedal2207 | 17 Mar 2020 at 1:21 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Sunday, March 15, 2020


All you people who say Trump's presidency is over should just remember, t'aint over til Putin says it's over!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


The Bush Administration had to deal with a pandemic caused by a coronavirus and Obama had two different viruses to contend with but comparing them to how Trump is handling the present pandemic is unfair.  After all, both Bush and Obama started with a fully funded CDC, whereas Trump had the constraint of funding a tax cut for needy billionaires.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Dear Friends & Neighbors

If I should succumb to the coronavirus, my epitaph should read: "Killed by a Democratic hoax.