Friday, November 22, 2019


In all likelihood, Trump will be impeached, by the Democrats in November and will be acquitted by the Republicans either in December or January.   The Republicans will be assuming responsibility for any additional craziness of Trump during the year leading up to the elections.  During the past 3 years, Trump has demonstrated a propensity for getting into trouble and there has been no indication that he has learned anything from experience on the job.

Should the electorate tire of Trump's antics or war, economic or otherwise, break out, or the economy takes a downturn, it will be remembered that the Republicans had the opportunity to remove trump but didn't do it for political reasons.  It's a gamble the Republicans are making; I hope they lose.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


An aim of the plot to extort the newly-elected president of Ukraine was to exonerate the Russians from th.eir involvement in the 2016 elections by forcing Ukraine to "take the rap" for the Capo di Capo of the Russian Mafia, namely Vladamir Putin.

What makes the cabal so egregious, so malevolent, so insidious can be demonstrated by imagining the position of Ukraine had they not been saved, at the last minute, by a whistleblower who scared the Trump Administration into mending their ways.  Ukraine would have gained the enmity of the Democrats in the U.S., for many years while at the same time they would get no brownie points from Putin or his underboss, Donald Trump.  In all likelihood, a Ukraine independent of the Russian Empire would have become unlikely.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


The first day of hearings did nothing to assuage my curiosity as to why, in the name of God, Republicans are so anxious to learn the name of the whistleblower.  If it were not for the whistleblower, Trump would have withheld funds from Ukraine and their President would have instigated investigations into the Bidens and the 2016 elections. thus eliminating the Republicans chief reason for not removing him from office since within 48 hours of learning that the cat was out of the bag, Ukraine received their military aid.

The whistleblower cannot do anything more for the Republicans.  His information cannot be impugned; the Democrats already have corroboration of  his allegations.

Do the Republicans want to learn the name of their savior and want to give him a medal?  Doubting that perhaps they want him ousted from the White House just so they can continue to commit impeachable offenses with impunity.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


When My Country Tis of Thee equals To Be or not to Be.

by daedal2207
The dynamics of MOM's(POTUS) takeover of the Republican party are now clear .It was a promise of control of the courts right up to and including the Supreme Court..Control of the Judicial  part of the executive branch of government and through these control of immigration. On the way to this end increasing authoritarianism ,increasing suppression of minority and women's rights, destruction of the environment ,increasing gun violence, a raging opioid epidemic and global destabilization in favor of increasing 'me first sentiment, weakening of world action and planning, seem to be acceptable prices to keep America "White and Wealthy"The impeachment inquiry thus becomes an inquiry into whether or not the promise of America can ever be fulfilled. As the lantern holder for democratic practice across the world there is question as to who or what can pick up a discarded torch.
As media try to peer into the future they are coming up with leadership models who defy the prevailing stereotypes.We are getting LBGT protagonists.Women who match fisticuffs and macho derring do with men,heroes and heoines of color and trisomal 21 and Asperger afflicted characters who are quite instrumentsl snd effective.We are also seeing more mixed race individuals and mixed religion psirings.They all seem to rely on the cooperation of some of the old standard purveyors of power and influence since no one wants to embrace reviolt and mayhem.
daedal2207 | 11 Nov 2019 at 4:23 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


TRump asks his followers, "how can a man, like Amb. Gordon Sondland, who changed his testimony just to avoid a perjury charge, be believed?"

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


As witness depositions continue to shred Trump's impeachment defenses, it may be that the only defense left for him is that because he ultimately failed in his attempt to coerce sham investigations into the Bidens, Trump's actions did not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.  Since an acquittal, on these grounds, could set a precedent for a Democratic President, or even affect criminal charges for attempted murder, rape, robbery, and other felonies, the Senate will probably have to make clear that this defense of Trump is only available to him.


Monday, November 4, 2019


Sure, the wall is vulnerable to a cutting tool available at a cost of $100.00, but that fact obscures how clever the concept of the wall is.  Trump has, astutely, noticed that the U.S. estimates the entry of illegal immigration by the number of apprehensions of illegals.  If the number of apprehensions is reduced, so does the estimated increase of illegals.  By reducing apprehensions. through making it easier to get illegals through the wall, Trump can take credit for reducing immigration.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Trump has stated, openly, that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he would not lose a single supporter.  Since I have yet to hear a single Trump follower deny or denounce whatTrump claims, I have to believe him.  If a murder, by Trump, would not faze his supporters, why should mere extortion and treasonable interference in our electoral system bother his supporters in the least?